What's the easiest way to get the crust off my chicken's bottom???

I agree. Much easier to just snip them off. And no feather-pulling is involved, so it's safer and less painful for the chicken, too.
It's best to do it outside, so the feather/poop trimmings just fall on the ground, or snip them off over a trash can/bucket so the trimmings don't go everywhere. Since their butts are so fluffy, it's hard to notice a difference.

In fact, I often trim our most fluffiest (especially the Cochins) chicken's butt feathers, so they don't become long and fluffy, which would make them more susceptible to getting poop stuck in them. And I sometimes trim their leg/feet feathers once in a while because they will sometimes get stuck there.

Trimming with scissors is much less messy and stressful than holding a chicken still while you stick its butt in the water.
It depends on the chicken, really. The more flighty ones will be harder to hold still while you stick them into the water (or, rather, their back ends) but with trimming just set them on a perch, rear-end facing you, or have someone hold them for you. No drying needed, either.
Ditto. Trim it off with scissors and then clean with a warm wash rag. One of our chicken butts had a serious turd ball hanging on there, no amount of soaking and washing was going to solve that issue. It was a two person job, one holding and one trimming, it took about 5 minutes.


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