What's the next HOT breed/color?

Next HOT breeds...

Cream Legbars Bluish eggs
Isbars green spotted eggs
Sulmtalers cream colored eggs (hatching eggs will soon be available in AZ!)
Icelandics white/cream colored eggs and these landrace birds come in a WILD varieties of colors

I currently have 1 Icelandic pullet that is giving me 2 to 3 cream colored pullet bullets a week. She is black with red flecks and a crest and like others of her color, I named her "Kola". Probably one of the most beautiful birds I have ever owned.

I hope to own a nice small flock of Sulmtalers and will be building another pen, just for them.

I'm also hoping I can either get hatching eggs or a few chicks of Isbars and Cream Legbars (Auto sexed at birth)
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I don't think there should be many more "hot new breeds." There are too many old, rare, and beautiful breeds out there that need preserving for some wonder-layer-hybrid or some Arctic mutt to kick them off the scene. Even some of the more common breeds like Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds are in need of preserving: hatcheries have issued so many low-quality hybrids that look like these breeds that the genetics are getting rarer. We don't need too many more breeds, unless they are based on the best of the old breeds. We need to preserve the old breeds.

However, I'm all for new, hot colors
The more color varieties of a breed, the better, as long as a breed wasn't doped with another breed in order to make the color variety. For my part, I love that Purple color that Nicalandia uploaded in that picture!

Yeah.. I know, how about as birght as below chicken cousin's tail?


His tail just looks black to me, but GOOD-NESS!!!! WHAT IS THAT BIRD?!?!?!?! I WANT ONE!!!!

In the url it says Green Jungle fowl? OK corection Ceylon jungle fowl
Heres another head shot If you go do a search on some of Resolution's posts on here there are more of these colorful pics and other he's posted too




Heres another one
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It seems to me the Lavendar's and splashes, blue's and now Chocolate something or other. Once the Hatcheries get wind of the next designer chicken color, they will be all over it and then they will end up dilluting whatever breed they need to even more than they already have just to satisfy the demand.

X10........... Can I get a witness......
......... we need more purest, not more trends and fads

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