What's the next HOT breed/color?

Yeah, I've seen those... I'm obviously talking about the REAL thing, where can you get those?

Oh okay, well, obviously, in the REAL Jungle then I'd reckon. jeesh

I don't buy from hatcheries, and anyone with any knowledge knows that the birds in the hatchery are not quality birds. So if I'm asking where to get them, WHY would I want them from a hatchery? So, YES, I'm obviously asking where to get them, not where to get leghorns that happen to resemble them.
Yeah, I've seen those... I'm obviously talking about the REAL thing, where can you get those?

Which "Junglefowl" are you referring to the "real thing"?

Red Junglefowl,
Grey Junglefowl,
Green Junglefowl,
Sri Lanka Junglefowl,
Ceylon Junglefowl,
Saipans Junglefowl


I am especially interested in the grey, green, and ceylon junglefowl, but I would consider any of them
Oh okay, well, obviously, in the REAL Jungle then I'd reckon. jeesh

There are few people that have them. Most of them are technically more like pheasants than chickens, and I believe there are some that are arial nesters too.

But it would likely take a good bit of searching to find some

Ive found a couple of breeders so far.
Oh okay, well, obviously, in the REAL Jungle then I'd reckon. jeesh

I don't buy from hatcheries, and anyone with any knowledge knows that the birds in the hatchery are not quality birds. So if I'm asking where to get them, WHY would I want them from a hatchery? So, YES, I'm obviously asking where to get them, not where to get leghorns that happen to resemble them.

Ok this post obviously states that you are not looking to buy anything form a hatchery as their birds are inferior, huh?

This post nowhere states the obvious:
Overrun With Chickens
From: Lindrith, New Mexico
Registered: 08/03/2009
Posts: 771
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Re: What's the next HOT breed/color?

Where can you get jungle fowl?

Lavender and Black Ameraucanas, Gold Laced Cochins, various EE color projects- EE eggs available
Very Happily Married to the Very Best Husband EVER!!! Mom to a bunch of "fur-kids"... smile
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

I know quite a lot concerning poultry and the hatcheries offer some of the best egglayers in the whole world so not everything they have is not of good quality. BTW where did your EE's come from (a hatchery I'm sure or their fore-fathers did at least because they are a hatchery created type of chicken for sure)

I shall move on now and not interrupt your little thread, it sounded real interesting there for a bit till it turned into a tiff, BTW a little word of advice is use a little more English in your vocabulary/text to leave a little less to be assumed and a little smilie ever so often also goes a long way too beings no-one can see a persons emotions or facial expressions on this site anyhow- well not yet anyway


No, my EEs did NOT come from a hatchery
The Mottles and Ameraucanas come from BIG name Ameraucana breeders/exhibitioners, and the Lavender Barreds are my own project from the same Ams crossed with SQ Barred Rocks from breeders.

Also, my FIRST post did not have anything to do with jungle fowl. You responded to my post about Jungle Fowl.
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There is no reason that the next big thing can't be an ancient breed that needs preserving and is newly imported into this country. There are a lot of chickens out there in the big wide world that haven't made it to America.

I'd like to do some importing, but holy cow! The cost of it. Really beyond what I would be comfortable with. But I think that the people who do the importing really should be able to get some of their money back.
Gotcha you're making your own version of EE's.

I did some myself too, just messing around back in the spring. I used a blue wheaten hen (I'm sure was an EE and not Am) and crossed her to a big ol Delaware rooster and got 5 olive-egg laying Delaweggers

Yes I know what your first post says that's what I was referring to as seemed to be interesting.
I like following the latest trend/fads in chicken breeding not that I'm gonna delve off into them, but just seeing what the Joneses are up to. I'm slowly getting my foot in the door of the more heritage types myself as I have me some real New Hampshires, real Barred Rocks and real Delawares. I still have and will most likely always have Pro-reds, sex-links,production cuckoos(factory BRs) for my egg layers cause they simply cannot be beat as that's what they are bred for.

Carry on I will be on the sidelines watching to see what's posted here for the original ? and Jungle Fowl too I find them very interesting too

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X2 GGF is planning on importing some Appenzeller Spitzhaubens to improve the gene pool here. The gene pool could really use some new genetic material.
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Cayuga ducks come in purple. It's not a recognized color, so the purple ones are culled.

I think it would be great fun to collect together a lot of purple Cayugas and breed them until they breed true and the purple color is emphasized, and then cross them with Swedish to get Purple Swedish ducks.
If I'm not mistaken, barred rocks and other heritage breeds didn't spring fully formed from the breeders' heads like Athena. They started out as mutts, someone bred to suit their own purposes. Those purposes fit other people's needs, and they spread. The only truly pure bred chickens are the various jungle fowl.

I'd love to see the Pavlovskaya chicken become the next big thing. It is supposed to be the ancestor of the various crested breeds. In the mean time, I'll settle for some of it's descendants.

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