What's the rarest breed or variety you have?

They aren’t all that “rare”, although they were hard to find, but I own Narragansett turkeys! They are such a hoot! I own 4 adults and, for now, a bunch of babies. I’m hoping to keep at least two more females out of our hatched poults.
23 pages of responses and only a few duck people! I only have ducks but have some that were hard to find. Not sure whether the East Indies Ducks or the Australian Spotted Ducks are considered the most rare. My favorites so far, that are a little hard to find are Penciled Indian Runners. Mine are very friendly and like watching the 3 Stooges. I have some show Cayugas that are stunning.
Can't post duck pictures because I don't have them yet. Will be a few more weeks. (I'm getting 5 Cayuga ducklings. They are currently 2 weeks old.) Would love to see pictures of your Cayugas and East Indies.

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