What's the sweetest thing you've ever seen a chicken do?


Mar 10, 2016
At the coop
My Coop
My Coop
This is a thread for all your sweetest chickens! Ones who have seemingly fallen in love
, ones who have sat with another sick one
, etc. I can't wait to hear about them! Feel free to post pictures and/or videos as well!
The sweetest moment I ever experienced with a chicken was with my hen, Poachy. She was deathly ill after being attacked by the flock that she grew up with. I nursed her back to health and we established an unbreakable bond. She was no longer accepted by the flock, and she looked to me as her alpha. We were best friends.

I would sit with her and preen her feathers using my finger, mimicking the same gesture that a chicken would do to its flock mate. While sitting on my lap embracing this lovely preening session, my cute black hen began preening me!

This became a daily ritual for the two of us.
I just got baby chicks for the first time and I'm hoping to have some sweet moments in the future so far I've had the babies fall asleep in my hand, and one has crawl up my arm to perch on my shoulder. Shes gonna be a lap chicken for sure ;)
We are very new to chicks, just got ten day old mix of a dozen hens yesterday, but so far my Queen Claire has fallen asleep while I pet her. Between my boys, husband and niece there was only one left for me to call mine. Thankfully she and I seem to be a perfect match.
I havent been able to pet them much till they start nodding off, and even then only so much. The only one who lets me pet her while wide awake is the welsummer and she watches me do it for a while before shrugging me off by grooming. ;D such sillies!
I put some chicks out in the adult pen on a especially cold night. At night when I went to lock up the hens one of the hens had come down from where she usually roosted and was snuggled up with the chicks in the corner.

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