What's the temperature where you are???

A screen shot.
It took over our backyard at our old house. Not kidding! I had chocolate mint everywhere.
Hubby said containers only here. 🤣
I tend to mow around the the wildflowers and the mint in the middle of the lawn. If it tried to claim too much territory, I can always mow it. Occasionally I hit a patch, and it smells really nice. Maybe I should distill it down? Nah, too many hobbies already!
High Island TX, less than a mile from the water. 10:45 AM, Sunny and 86 (feels like 100) Nice 8-10 mph wind. Fan in the coop is on, hens are in the run mostly in the shade at this hour. They evacuated as soon as the door opened to the run. I do put a chunk of ice from a plastic 2 quart jug in the water tub...lasts about 4 hours inside the coop. I have an exhaust fan going, small 8" vent fan in the daytime. The coop is elevated 4' and they always can have shade in the run. We have lots of trees so full sun is a morning thing here. I am going to cover the ramp from the coop since it seems hot to their little feet....will do that shortly.

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