What's the temperature where you are???



12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
App. Mtn's
I'm in No. Central West Virginia...it was -11 (that's not a typo, yes MINUS 11 Degrees) this morning! I hope I don't find chicken-pops when I go to feed and water this morning!

Yesterday, the radio said Alaska was averaging 40 degrees, it was -5 here at the time! I don't like the heat, but this is CRAZY COLD!

How frozen are you guys???
How does one dress and do chores in that weather? :eek:
Two pairs of really thick socks or three pair of regular ones. Insulated (but not well) hiking boots. Fleece lined jeans. Bibs. 3 long sleeve shirts. One thick. Insulated flannel jacket. Two pairs of decent gloves. Heavy stocking hat. Insulated thing that covers bottom half of face.

I have a ton of birds, pigs and two horses. Just a quick day of feeding and water takes about a hour.
Now I'm chipping ice with a hatchet and carrying water from inside house in buckets. Takes almost twice as long.
I just get at it as fast as possible and after 20 or 25 minutes fingers and/or toes can't take much more so I come in warm up then repeat several times.
It'll make you rethink having animals.
It makes me glad I don’t live up north!
I don't live in the north. I'm in the center of the country.
We get as cold as up north in the winter and as hot as down south in the summer.
Missouri is an equal opportunity hell.

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