What's the temperature where you are???

05:55AM Saturday

Currently: 74.5F [23.5C] Come on Mother Nature, seriously? It is too early to be so warm

Current relative humidity: 88%

Predicted maximum: 86F [30C] with a 70% chance of showers and an afternoon thunderstorm.
We got the predicted thunderstorm yesterday afternoon and it is was a doozy; luckily we got the girls back in the covered run before it hit but the extremely loud thunder freaked them out a little.

It dumped 0.8 inches [20mm] of rain in an hour.

06:10AM Sunday

Currently: 73.5F [23C] with a relative humidity of 91%

Predicted maximum: 95F [35C] with a 60% chance of rain and thunderstorms.
We had three storms roll over yesterday afternoon, one bought hail and another has been classed as a super cell with winds peaking at 157km [97mph] winds. Luckily it was short lived.

06:40AM Monday

Currently: 71.5F [22C] with a very pleasant relative humidity of 26%

Predicted maximum: 86F [30C] and no rain or storms predicted for today.

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