What's the temperature where you are???

Mobile municipal park
March 26, 2024

Do you ever get used to seeing them? We do see the odd U.S. news story about a 'giant' alligator crossing the road or golf course / found swimming in someone's pool hahaha.

Over the years I have seen so many alligators
especially dining outside at the restaurants on the causeway that connects mobile and Baldwin counties
Daphne Alabama has an area called gator alley
I don’t bother them and they don’t bother me

Tuesday 9th April 10.27a.m. Grey and cold. 13 / 18.5kph SSW, Hg 57%, 19.6C / 67.3F top of 20C / 68F. Becoming windy. Showers developing.
Marine wind warning. Hazardous surf. Sheep graziers alert.

Moon is 0.1% waxing

The New South Wales government has, in collaboration with the federal government, declared areas of natural disaster in the wake of the recent rains and floods across the state.

The announcement triggered "an automatic release of money" for councils to repair essential infrastructure, including roads or sporting facilities.

"It also triggers the initial support for our primary producers and for our residents who are affected," federal member for Macquarie Susan Templeman said.

"I know I will be advocating for even more as we see the waters recede and are able to assess the damage that's there."

Grants will also be available for some residents to replace lost essential items and to cover the cost of emergency accommodation.

In the past 24 hours the NSW Sate Emergency Service (SES) had carried out 146 flood rescues and responded to 1,877 calls for assistance.

Between 4,000 and 5,000 volunteers and various emergency services agencies had worked over the past few days responding to hazards, setting up evacuations centres and keeping communities informed.

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