What's the temperature where you are???

63.9F at 7:25 pm Saturday Been thunder, lightning and RAIN all through the day.

Tomorrow supposed to have a low in the 40"s -I forgot what the high will be - because it will rain some more.
OK, that is enough rain, it can stop now ;)

07:45AM Wednesday

Currently: 70.5F [21.5C] with a relative humidity of 94% [probably because it is raining :p]

Predicted maximum: 82.5F [28C] with an 80% chance of rain and thunderstorms.

Gotta love living in the tropics!
Seriously now, please stop with the rain! It has been raining for 4 days straight and 4 inches in just 2 hours is more than ample ;)

07:30AM Thursday

Currently: 79F [26C] with a relative humidity of 87% and thunder as I type.

Predicted maximum: 82.5F [28C] with a 90% chance of rain .. no kidding?! :p

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