What's the temperature where you are???

16 degrees Fahrenheit...we got about 5 inches of snow last night...just relaxing with a cup of coffee...and it dawned on me that the funny little beeping noise...is the "Backup" alarm on the county plow!!! And me in my jammies!!! Shoot! I scrambled into my boots and coat...rushed out and brushed the snow off my truck and just got it moved out of the way when the grader showed up! Just in time! Feeling rather pleased with my self, I went back inside to enjoy another nice cup of coffee...off with the winter clothes! Heading for the coffee pot I chanced to pass the pretty old mirror hanging just as you enter the kitchen....EEEEEK!!! Oh my gosh! My hair! I look just like a Silkie hen...having a bad feather day! No wonder the driver looked at me like that!!!

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