What's the temperature where you are???

Another wonderful walk to the bus stop

6:30 am
77f 65% humidity cloudy
Predicted high 94

Yesterday's high was way off. We ended up with a high of 100. Still hoping for rain.

how did you keep them all cool; I have a very shady yard. If one side of the yard is in sun the other three are in shade. I ran the sprinkler at 2 today. The girls are suffering a bit.
how did you keep them all cool; I have a very shady yard. If one side of the yard is in sun the other three are in shade. I ran the sprinkler at 2 today. The girls are suffering a bit.
I give mine mud to scratch in, and use cat litter boxes to make multiple (& cheap) pools for them to stand in.
I mix frozen blueberries and electrolyte water in with their food occasionally. They love the blueberries.

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