What's the temperature where you are???

422 pm Thursday 86 feels 91

Friday 24th of May 9.52a.m. A clear cold nite. Heavy, dripping dew. Sunny with haze. 7.4 / 9.3kph SW, Hg 55%, 16.5C / 61.7F top of 19C / 68F. Mostly sunny. The week ahead is looking good so far.


Moon is 99.7%

Water Corporation to enforce winter sprinkler ban across WA despite concerns for green spaces amid low rainfall​

2 hours 47 mins ago​


The Water Corporation has no plans to reschedule WA's winter sprinkler ban despite dry and hot conditions. (ABC News: Gian De Poloni)

WA's winter sprinkler ban comes into effect next week but after a hot and dry start to the year, there are concerns the state's green spaces will be hit hard by the water restrictions.

The ban enforced by the Water Corporation WA runs from June 1 to August 31 every year to save water for the drier months.

Handheld watering is still permitted but gardens are largely left in the hands of mother nature's cooler temperatures, lower evaporation rates and promise of rain.

However, the Bureau of Meteorology has forecast a warm winter off the back of low rainfall and record-breaking temperatures over the past eight months.

The winter sprinkler ban is mandatory for all scheme and bore water users in Perth, Mandurah, and some parts of the South West and Great Southern regions.

Anyone caught not complying risks a $100 fine.

Mr Postma said the Water Corporation can issue infringements and warnings but it's "not their preference" to do so.

Friday 24th of May 9.52a.m. A clear cold nite. Heavy, dripping dew. Sunny with haze. 7.4 / 9.3kph SW, Hg 55%, 16.5C / 61.7F top of 19C / 68F. Mostly sunny. The week ahead is looking good so far.

View attachment 3841795

Moon is 99.7%

Water Corporation to enforce winter sprinkler ban across WA despite concerns for green spaces amid low rainfall​

2 hours 47 mins ago​


The Water Corporation has no plans to reschedule WA's winter sprinkler ban despite dry and hot conditions. (ABC News: Gian De Poloni)

WA's winter sprinkler ban comes into effect next week but after a hot and dry start to the year, there are concerns the state's green spaces will be hit hard by the water restrictions.

The ban enforced by the Water Corporation WA runs from June 1 to August 31 every year to save water for the drier months.

Handheld watering is still permitted but gardens are largely left in the hands of mother nature's cooler temperatures, lower evaporation rates and promise of rain.

However, the Bureau of Meteorology has forecast a warm winter off the back of low rainfall and record-breaking temperatures over the past eight months.

The winter sprinkler ban is mandatory for all scheme and bore water users in Perth, Mandurah, and some parts of the South West and Great Southern regions.

Anyone caught not complying risks a $100 fine.

Mr Postma said the Water Corporation can issue infringements and warnings but it's "not their preference" to do so.

It's been several years but I can remember us having a ban on outdoor watering in Wisconsin. It was only for a few weeks.

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