Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

I discovered on Monday (6-15-15) that one of my hens ate a washer. Her breathing has been raspy since Sunday. I took her to the vet and that is how I know she swallowed a washer. She also has worms. The washer could be the reason for the raspy breathing due to Zinc toxicity, if that's the case, Zinc toxicity can cause other problems. However, the vet does not know for certain but is treating her with antibiotics and de-worming meds.
She told me of a duck patient who ate a ruby ring!
My girls continue to crack me up. My Missy loves pizza. We have a fun backyard, so we often take our lunches and dinners outside to eat. We had pizza the other day, and Missy jumped up and stole my slice! She was in HEAVEN! Later that day I was dining on a Twinkie, and that goofy girl jumped up and ATE MY TWINKIE! She's such a goofball. My youngest said she stole his pizza slice the other day.

I just love my girls.
Yarn, anything they find that is shiny, and one time one of my Silkie Frizzles snatched a bite of doughnut right out of my mouth. She LOVED it, and tried to get more, but didn't figure doughnut was very good for her, lol!
Glad I'm not the only having a problem with the styrofoam!! I don't know where it came from but they went crazy over it!! I grabbed one chicken that had a huge chunk in its beak, got it away, set her down, and she found another piece and ate it as fast as she could!! I don't know where it came from but they found every piece before I could pick them up.

They also like to eat their feathers. I think it's so funny when one of them fluffs up their feathers and shakes them out, and they all attack the few feathers that fly out.
I cannot express how many times our naughty chickens have freaked me out! My DH thought he'd surprise me with a fully loaded homemade bator for Valentines day. Of course it was a Styrofoam bator and of course the chickens (I sometimes allow inside the house) found it before I did! DH says "No more chickens in the house." My Japanese bantam likes to sit on my shoulder and suck on my hair. My Cuckoo Marans , Onyx, has successfully eaten several gold stud earrings and one diamond. She has also taken quite a liking to my lips. She is lightning fast! I've learned to put the earrings away. I only wish I could do the same with my lips cuz that s*** hurts! Oh, and all the chickens like to eat their bedding (shavings) from time to time. Life would be so boring without them.
My hen once ate a:
I came across this thread after a search because I was intrigued as to what strange things other peoples chickens have eaten.

Yesterday Dusty [Bantam Langshan] was 'helping' me sweep the deck and my sweeping revealed a small, white, soft plastic cap just a little bit bigger than a corn kernel. Not sure what it was off, may be the end of a tube or something. Anyways, without even a test peck, Dusty ate it!

I just stood there in shock! I had no idea she was going to do that! I think it is small enough that it should just pass through and she looks happy and healthy this morning but I am keeping a close eye on her … crazy chicken!

Also, because of all the big bug and mouse eating stories etc, thought I would share a couple of pictures I took a few months ago "Yuummmm, Grasshopper!":


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