What's the weirdest thing your chickens like to eat?

Scorpions... And their most favorite food in the world is... Raw Egg.
No kidding.
I gave some of my german brand red cabbage/apple that I bought at the store yesterday.They seemed to like it very much.Guess I have to share now!
Styrafoam. When I first got the chickens, I used to put out leftover take-out for them in the styrafoam containers. Without fail, they eat the container first, & then the food contents.
Mine eat everything thrown out, they love leftover chicken pieces. they clean them off to the bone!!!! Oh and hot bar b q ribs. Any kind of meat they will take my fingers off to get it.
they'll clean a deer carcass, only thing I've not known them to eat was a coon carcass. Maybe they know what that is.

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