What's the weirdest thing your chickens like to eat?

My girls love mashed potatoes and chips (fries) ...for some reason though they wont eat brussel sprouts

...And i have never seen anything move as fast as these birds when a random egg was laid in the run .. they ate it before it went hard (one of the wierdest things i have ever seen )

.I was told not to give them chicken or raw onions....so i dont
Mine vote for Rubarb - I know the leaves are supposed to be poisonous but I can't keep them away.
They also like Styrofoam, which I've learned to keep away from them.
Mice are apparently yummy
. Mine hunt their own mice.
Japanese Beatles - I thought nothing would eat these but the Buckeyes love them.
Be careful with the raw egg. You don't want them developing a taste for eggs at all. Egg eaters are no fun to have.

The first few days of fall, my chickens spent the afternoon chasing each leaf that fell from the tree, just sure it was a treat for them. None were eaten, but many tested.
Mine did that too! Some wind blown leaves were ending up in their covered run. It was a day long game for the girls of mine, mine, mine....no ITS MINE! The rooster was always calling the girls over to see his new "prizes" and they were not really impressed with HIS finds. Poor guy he tried so hard, he's new at this being only 6 months old.. He looked a little disappointed that his girls didn't want HIS leaves.
Hubby killed a 5 ft chicken snake that he caught in a nest one time. Snake hadn't killed any chickens, but seemed to be after the eggs. The chickens swarmed the snake before hubby could pick up the body. Snake didn't last long.

Several years ago I had some ornamental peppers planted in the front yard. The ones that are so hot they are inedible. I dropped one in a big pot of chili and it was incredibly spicy. The chickens got to the plants one day, and ate all the peppers off of them. They jumped and squawked every time they pooped for the next few days
. I felt sorry for them...not! The eggs sure did taste good, though!
I'll tell ya the funniest thing I watched mine eat, chicken bones left over from dinner, one running around with a half eaten drumstick in its mouth and the other dozen chickens chasing after. Now thats just wrong! LOL! Chickens are the strangest creatures.

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