whats up with her?

It's hard to tell what is wrong with her leg or legs since she wouldn't walk very far. There are so many causes of lameness in chickens from Mareks disease, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, a sprain or broken leg. mycoplasma synoviae (MS,) viral arthritis, or a leg deformity such as slipped tendon. I would look her over for any swelling or bruising of the footpads, joints, and leg bones, and try to figure out if she is limping or dragging a leg, or if she is able to stand very long, and if she is suffering any paralysis or toe curling. The long grass and weeds in the video make it harder to see well. Post again here, and hopefully we can figure it out. In the meantime, I would add poultry vitamins to their water or at least dissolve a B Complex tablet in a gallon of water daily.
yes.. notice her wings hanging when sitting back feathers and rump fluffed up. What is not as clear is she is wobbly sometimes. Most to the her left if facing her.
Drooping wings is not a good sign. Make sure that she is getting plenty of fluids and is near food. You can wet the food with water and stir it to get more water into her. Dehydration can also cause some of her symptoms, but I'm a little afraid she could be showing signs of Mareks. Placing her in a cage near her friends with food and water would be what i would do. Also check her eyes for color and anything odd in case she can't see well. The others may start picking on her since she is not moving around well. Here are some links on Mareks, and the first one lists many diseases that can look like Mareks:
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Drooping wings is not a good sign.  Make sure that she is getting plenty of fluids and is near food.  You can wet the food with water and stir it to get more water into her.  Dehydration can also cause some of her symptoms, but I'm a little afraid she could be showing signs of Mareks.  Placing her in a cage near her friends with food and water would be what i would do.  Also check her eyes for color and anything odd in case she can't see well.  The others may start picking on her since she is not moving around well.  Here are some links on Mareks, and the first one lists many diseases that can look like Mareks:  
well I have her separated. She doesn't like it. She is pacing and limping like i said on left she eats well drinks. Now the only thing different from day before I tossed them a pumpkin the inside scrapped out because it had rotted horrible smell! I even rinsed it before letting them have some. The rinds looked fine however so didn't think would hurt. Do you think that it still carried bad bacteria? And would that have any of these affects?
She is not lethargic. She maybe on the verge of whats got her down. I looked her over no lice no areas of an attack poo looks normal ill video her more and send if she will show her limp

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