What's with these Chicks?


10 Years
Jun 23, 2013
The Big Island/Hawaii
Just got these Buff Orpington chicks (8wks), what's with the "baldness" around the face area? Checked for mites, didn't see any but dusted them anyway. The "redness" goes away when they're not stressed. The guy had 40 free ranging, all looked healthy & they all seemed to have this issue. I've had BO from the feed store, never came across this issue....Ideas?
I'd perhaps treat for lice and mites, to be safe. Feather loss is a common symptom. Could also be that they were picking at each other. Maybe where he was keeping them at night was too cramped for 40 birds, or perhaps they weren't getting enough protein in their feed.

However they are not buff orps. The ones that I can see combs on in this picture don't have single combs, they have what looks like cushion or pea combs. One of them looks like it might have a single comb but the others don't.
I'd perhaps treat for lice and mites, to be safe. Feather loss is a common symptom. Could also be that they were picking at each other. Maybe where he was keeping them at night was too cramped for 40 birds, or perhaps they weren't getting enough protein in their feed.

However they are not buff orps. The ones that I can see combs on in this picture don't have single combs, they have what looks like cushion or pea combs. One of them looks like it might have a single comb but the others don't.

I need to check that in the morning (combs):barnie I've dusted them with Poultry Dust, any other recommendations?
Do you know what the black flecking is on their faces? Perhaps that can help point to the cause.

Poultry Dust is a good start. You'll have to repeat in ten days to make sure anything they had is dead, since that will kill the adults but not any eggs.
I agree with @Poultry parent, they look young & will get their big girl feathers on their heads soon. This is my Black Australorp who is about 8-10 weeks. Thank goodness her head won't always look like this.

But if you look, your chick still has baby fluff on its face, which is normal. It doesn't have feathers, yes, but it does still have its fluff. If you blow up the picture of the chicks mentioned here in this thread, this is not the case. They actually have bald faces. And that is not a normal thing that chicks have happen.
But if you look, your chick still has baby fluff on its face, which is normal. It doesn't have feathers, yes, but it does still have its fluff. If you blow up the picture of the chicks mentioned here in this thread, this is not the case. They actually have bald faces. And that is not a normal thing that chicks have happen.

I see now. So much for my Ugly Chick Phase Theory. Thanks Pyxis

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