What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

As some of you know already, I am no longer idiotswife! I am now 1lkluckychik.....I consider myself to be very lucky and extremely blessed. It just seemed like a good name, and I got to incorporate my fluff butts in there too ( all they do is kluck kluck kluck)My avatar (1 of many picked by my crazy cool internet buds) lol!
Thought I would let you all know about my avatar. She is my blue copper marans.


Her name is Stella. She is a perfect hen. I have taken her on trips to my daughter's school. Stella and I do a presentation where I show the children a colorful dozen of eggs, a double yolk egg, pictures of the flock, etc.
My user name is because I used to work in the education department of a zoo, and now my whole life is a zoo - with 4 active kids, a couple pets, and now chickens.

My avatar is my cat and chickens staring each other down through the front door.
I have already answered the questions and reasoning a couple of pages ago but I am enjoying reading all of the creative names as well as the ones who think they are not too creative.

Each one is unique with a different story...your story...and that makes each of you so very special. And you are from all over the world! Places I will never see and can only day dream about. and yet, here we all are....over chickens!

Love to hear the stories. Especially the one a few back that lives on an island, paddled a canoe to school and walked a mile besides, in all kinds of weather. Not making fun...but my dad always told me stories like that and he grew up in Florida, dirt poor and often no shoes. But his always ended with how he walked 5 miles to school........uphill.......both ways (always spoken with a twinkle in his eye).
Actually, he was such a charmer, a friend of his sister often carried him piggy back when he was just a little guy.

Glad you enjoyed it. I lived just outside Portland, ME until I was 12...spending my summers and weekends on the island but my mum moved there full time when I was about 9 so I knew what winters were like before I decided to move out there with her. I left the convenience of suburbia for the "simple life" which is never as simple as people dream about but as we've always said, "it builds character".

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