What's wrong with her beak? Black spots all over!

Maybe it's a SF thing??? She's looking good today. The last two days we have been feeding her a mash and she has been tearing it up!!!! Thanks everyone!
It takes a long time for beaks to heal, it's a slow process. I suspect the marks are bruises and are part of the healing process. If not, I wouldnt worry about it.
Birds with beak injuries require special care and I recommend that you keep her separated from the others until her beak completely heals, it will take time to completely heal.

The reason why the other birds wouldnt let her eat is because they "sensed" she had an injury. It is survival of the fittest in the animal world, including chickens. Cruel it seems, but that's the way it is in the animal and chicken world.
Now you know why she scoffed down the chow you provided.

It would be best to cage her. Then to make it easier for her to eat, and her beak to heal quicker, provide a watery gruel of chicken feed mixed with a little dried meal worms to eat. The soft food will be better than "hard" pecking at her food which could cause further injury. Put the gruel in a deep bowl, that way she wont be hard pecking the bottom of the bowl.

Do this for a couple weeks and hopefully the beak will have healed enough to return her back with the others. Keep the cage as clean as possible and provide drinking water. The water in the gruel wont be enough to keep her hydrated while caged. Besides, you'll have to add water to the gruel because the feed soaks up the water. Keep the gruel fresh daily.
Dont forget there might be a reintegration issue when you return her to the flock. You'll have to deal with that.
I was actually looking for a question for why my two barred rock chickens (not exactly sure of their breed) but They’ve never had a beak Injury (that I know of) do you know any other possible causes of black dots on the beak??

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