What's wrong with her?

cow whisperer

7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Crewe, Virginia
As you can see I have one hen whose comb isn't as red as the others nor does it stand up
She also has a lot of poop around her vent. Other than those issues she seems to be just fine- eats and drinks plus forages the ground for "treats". I've never been around chickens before ( just began in late 2015) so I'm learning. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Wash off poop so flies dont get on her and lay eggs....
Give her some poly vi sol without iron....
Maybe parts of a broken egg...? I'd check that out also...
nutri drench is also great to put in her water....
I'd keep an eye on her for any changes.
and maybe someone else here has info you can use....
Wishing you well...!
Thanks. My cousin also tells me I can have the job of washing her but he won't tell me how to do it. He also knows I don't have any experience at all with Chickens. How do you wash (give a chicken a bath) especially it's vent area? Any advice/assistance is greatly appreciated.
You could fill a dishpan with lukewarm water and gently place her in it and keep washing until the poop comes off. You might need help holding her. Make sure it's not a prolapsed vent...I can't tell what it is from the pics, but I think the comb flopping over is not necessarily a problem. My Rhode Island Red always had a floppy comb. Good luck, let us know how it goes....
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The comb is more of a reddish purple color while the other hens including her same breed have bright red combs. Isn't discoloration of the comb a sign of sickness? She is the only one like that. I did ask my cousin about it but his reply was, " Since you're here I don't have to pay that close of attention". I might be just a little bit worried but we lost so many to chicken Hawks that I just don't want to lose any more.
You're right. Her comb changing is a symptom of something....hopefully some of the more experienced BYCers will see this and advise you.
Lots of things can cause the poppy butt and comb discoloration.
Poppy butt can be from simply not getting the poo clear of the feathers.

Internal laying is one. I had an old gal with the same symptoms of an issue.
Now we washed and dried and treated and checked and watched. As it progressed she quit getting on the roost, started walking more vertical, and her comb changed color. When we culled her her abdomen was hard. We should have culled sooner.
Now mind you I am not saying this is your birds issue at all.
Just adding to the list of things to watch for.

I would clean her up and see if it happens again.
Thanks. My cousin also tells me I can have the job of washing her but he won't tell me how to do it. He also knows I don't have any experience at all with Chickens. How do you wash (give a chicken a bath) especially it's vent area? Any advice/assistance is greatly appreciated.
Warm water in a sink or tub.... for 10 to 15 minutes... fill water up to cover the area your cleaning... I also get some cheese and peas and float it in the water to get their mind off bath....

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