what's wrong with my chick????


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 19, 2012
This morning when I went out to feed and water the chicks one of them was lying on her back with her legs in the air twitching. She seems to be week on her left side. She is obviously very sick. Does anyone know what this is?

She is on her feet now because I moved her into the house to keep an eye on her, she is trembling and falling forward. She is week and can barely walk very shakey on her legs. She's going to die isn't she :(

this is so sad :(
I have a two week old chick presenting similar problems. How old is your bird? I would think Mareks is an unfortunate but very possible cause. Is she pooping? Did you check for moldy feed?

This is what I'm doing for my chick:
She's eating and drinking on her own but I make her crumbles into a mash as she's really crazy about
I've been adding hard boiled egg to her food.
She's also on probiotics, electrolytes, apple cider vinegar, and poly vi sol vitamins.

A lot of leg problems and neuro problems can be caused by a vitamin deficiency and/or moldy food.

So far my chick isn't getting better :( but she's not any worse either. I'm fearing Mareks in her as well.

Best wishes to you!
My chick is about 6 weeks, the others are fine, maybe it's mold, we live in the PNW and it's been raining non stop since fall everywhere is cold and damp, and moss growing like crazy everywhere because it's been so dark with the cloud cover. The poor thing is lying on her side now and is failing rapidly :(... How can I avoid this in my other chicks?
Check your feed for mold, if you suspect it at all, pitch the bag. Make sure to keep the feed in an air tight, dry container. If its moldy feed the chick could get better, is she eating? If its Mareks then its very important to keep her isolated from the others. Mareks is extremely contagious and there is no cure. Could you post a picture or video of her?
i think it's a head injury, the other day I was moving the chicks to a different pen and one of them ran right into the corner and got her head caught in the chicken wire, at the time I thought she might be hurt but then for two days she was fine, until today. I had forgotten about it until just a few minutes ago. Their housing and food are dry. I just cleaned it out - just in case - and put in fresh bedding, everything was dry. She's not eating or drinking but she is pooing, normal looking poo (for lack of a better word).

I'll try to get a picture up.

The chick is actually twitching, I couldn't upload a video. It looks dead but it's alive and moving. :(
The chick is doing better, she has stopped lying on her back and is no longer twitching. She's eating and is sitting, she has trouble walking because her left foot seems like it doesn't work at all. Here is a picture that I took a few minutes ago.

Anyone have any ideas what is going on?

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