I have a total of 13 chickens all different kinds living in a 10x16 coop with a large run, and are allowed to free range everyday. I feed them Purina's Raising Flock feed, put apple cider vinegar in their water everyday, and once a week I put food grade DE in their water. I also give them treats from the lists that is okay to feed them, such as yogurt, fruits, and veggies etc. I have also seen them eat worms, crickets, frogs and bugs. All normal chicken stuff they like to eat. I have linoleum floors in my coop and I mop them when I clean the coop with hot bleach water once a week. They have an area of deep litter which I use pine shavings from TSC in. So question is... I have a barred rock roo that is around 10 weeks old and I have been noticing for about the last week and a half a small speck of pale, bloody, soft, vein-like thing in his poo, sometimes it's a small-small speck and sometimes it's small and string-like vein. Could this be worms, or is it from eating frogs or something? Should I be worried?........... Anybody!!!!.............?
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