Jul 29, 2016 #1 Chicken Bff Songster 6 Years May 20, 2016 232 12 114 Missouri i just noticed tiny black dots on my rooster and 2 of my hens combs here are a couple pictures im thinking it might be from pecking but i want a second opinion
i just noticed tiny black dots on my rooster and 2 of my hens combs here are a couple pictures im thinking it might be from pecking but i want a second opinion
Jul 29, 2016 #2 ChickenCanoe Enabler Premium Feather Member 13 Years Nov 23, 2010 34,857 31,429 1,207 St. Louis, MO Sorry but I don't see anything to be concerned about. There are so many blood vessels right at the surface of combs and wattles that any mild scrape will result in a black spot. Usually it is dried blood. Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
Sorry but I don't see anything to be concerned about. There are so many blood vessels right at the surface of combs and wattles that any mild scrape will result in a black spot. Usually it is dried blood.