What's wrong with my momma hen

Chicks on DL

11 Years
Feb 1, 2012
West Coast, Florida.
She is a great momma and has been taking care of two little chicks. She is not laying (because she went broody last month and we gave her chicks to raise) and appears to be eating and drinking. She is active and constantly foraging. A three weeks ago we did have a chicken die. I thoroughly cleaned the coop with bleach and locked them out until it dried. 5 days ago I notice feathers missing from her bum. Skin was not red, looks normal and new feathers were growing in. I did not see any mites but I cleaned the coop again over the weekend, sprayed with a mixture of garlic water and acv and put DE down before pine shavings. The first picture is a week ago and the second picture is today. She is 5 years old. Should I be worried?


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I am just worried that her face doesn't look right. It's paler than just a few days ago and her face looks like it has dark spots. Can you see the second picture? Look under her eye and mouth, the dark shading. Chickens like to hide their illnesses. I could be overreacting but I was hoping I could get a second opinion.
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I do see a bit of extra pigmentation on her comb which could be caused by bickering with another chicken. Sometimes broody hens have a hard time finding their place in the flock once they rejoin and have to fight. Continue watching her. Get your hands on her and give her a good going over. Look for wounds, make sure she is not thin or mushy feeling under all those feathers. Check her vent area for dried feces and mites. During the hot summer months I like to give my chickens apples, watermelon and so forth to help keep them hydrated.

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