What's wrong with their feathers?

I was thinking there are some in Florida....I would have to go back and read some earlier posts....
go to page 222 and check with them
That would be awesome!! I got through reading to about page 100and something then had to tear myself away form the comp to actually do some work around here.
I will go check on that page and see. Let me know if you find anything out too.
I know, I wish that shipping older birds was cheaper! I think once I get a silky roo over my hens I'm going to see about shipping chicks. Having done it plenty of times myself, I know all too well how much it sucks to buy shipped eggs and not get a single one to hatch.
If you do ship chicks put me down for some!I'm in Florida so the shipping shouldnt be such a long transit for the little guys/gals.Looking for a silkie hen for my daughter.She loves her chickens!
Hey Kim! You know we hatch mostly splash,out of a hatch recently we got two splash one black one blue. We should trade! Silkied only...bird for bird! My splash for your blacks. I only have two blacks thus far! I need a few for our project...lemme know if you are interested. Cyndy

Hey! I still have the blue silkied roo that you wanted... He's going to freezer camp if you don't want him. Jon can still meet you in Corsicana
On the blacks, I am down to 4 and 3 of them are spoken for. The 4th I suspect is a cockerel but if you want him, he can make the trip too. I'll PM you now - I have cleared out my PM box, think we were missing messages because it was so full of messages but I didn't figure that out until this week...
Hola, everyone!

I know I wasn't so cheerful this winter when I was having losses.

I now am down to one Blue Silkied hen and have 2 dozen that may or may not be carrying. Of these, I have mostly Blue, a few Black, and a few Splash...the exciting ones are the Chocolate (sex-liked). I know the Chocs are split to fluffy because I started that project with the Silkied hen. I have them with a Blue Fluffy/Split, Chocolate/Split cockerel, so I will have some Chocolate Fluffies from the next gen. Sooooo EXCITED!!!
Hola, everyone!

I know I wasn't so cheerful this winter when I was having losses.

I now am down to one Blue Silkied hen and have 2 dozen that may or may not be carrying. Of these, I have mostly Blue, a few Black, and a few Splash...the exciting ones are the Chocolate (sex-liked). I know the Chocs are split to fluffy because I started that project with the Silkied hen. I have them with a Blue Fluffy/Split, Chocolate/Split cockerel, so I will have some Chocolate Fluffies from the next gen. Sooooo EXCITED!!!

Congrats! Wow a Chocolate one would be so pretty. Can't wait to see the pics!
So when using the word "silkie" it is not a refrence to the "breed" Silkie? So this person happened to hatch a pair of Ameurcana's with "fluffy" feathers??
So when using the word "silkie" it is not a refrence to the "breed" Silkie? So this person happened to hatch a pair of Ameurcana's with "fluffy" feathers??
Right.This is just a case where someone had purebred birds and they happened to have this very cute fluffy mutation.No silkie involved at all.
So when using the word "silkie" it is not a refrence to the "breed" Silkie? So this person happened to hatch a pair of Ameurcana's with "fluffy" feathers??

Yes exactly...this is a mutation we are now enhancing ....a new " variety" of PURE ameraucana ( without getting into THAT conversation)
There is no silkies in their bloodlines...no characteristics at all....some look like a wreck frankly lol hair everywhere! But some are coming out gorgeous and elegant with silkied " fluffy " hair...some of mine are feathering in beautiful!
Yes exactly...this is a mutation we are now enhancing ....a new " variety" of PURE ameraucana ( without getting into THAT conversation)
There is no silkies in their bloodlines...no characteristics at all....some look like a wreck frankly lol hair everywhere! But some are coming out gorgeous and elegant with silkied " fluffy " hair...some of mine are feathering in beautiful!
LOL!! I would love to have some bad hair day or not,they are too stinkin' cute!
OK!! I didn't realize that a "silkied" chicken was a pure bred of whatever breed (in your case...silkied AM's) that just had recessive genes for hookless feathers. I thought "silkied" chicks were bred from crossing a Silkie into the bloodline of your chickens to get the h gene incorporated. Are hookless feathers a common gene mutation? I thought that Silkies were the only chickens with hookless feathers...sorry, but I am even still lerning more!

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