What's wrong with their feathers?

Good for you! Nicole and I have hatches this weekend. PO did a royal number on the shipment tho.
Freakin gorillas! Can't do anymore than Renee does on a packing job.

PO has stickers now for eggs - have to ask for them. Then they have to place them with LIVE animals so they won't get treated like regular packages. Been told insurance is available on eggs now too. Open them up at the PO and if you can show them detached air cells they have to pay. ABOUT TIME!
That interesting about the egg shipping changes, I hadn't heard!

Ended up putting some of the eggs due to go into lockdown under the hen who went broody. Hopefully they hatch well and fullfill her mothering instincts. I'd let her do some from start to end, but I'm hoping to move them to the better chicken coop here in a few days or so, depending on how much the weather hampers the build progress.

Hope your hatches go great despite the shipping woes!
So of the last hatch there are 14 chicks and it looks (and I could be wrong) like 11 silkied and 3 normal. The color split out as 7 blue downs, 5 white downs, and 2 black downs. I'll do a re-count of silkied status in a few more days when the last few chicks' feathers open up, but they looked pretty hookless to me. I also have a hatch of eggs from the adults going on right now with 4 more out and 2 pipping when I left, so things are getting rolling.

I think my incubator temperature issues are pretty much sorted out now. Looks like I'll have to wait until the fall to try and get some good quality Ameraucanas to add depth to the breeding pool - it's just too hot here to even think of having anything shipped. But it's a good start.

Three of the hens had gone broody, now I'm down to one. The first was done after the close-to-hatch eggs hatched -- of the 3 eggs she got two chicks and got up and left them. One made it but the other must have gotten too cold by the time I home (neither were dried off). The surviving chick is in the brooder with the 14. A second broody gave up after several days, her eggs were given to the third broody. The third is still going, I hope she is a better mom.

Whew, busy last week or so! Anyway, wanted to bump the thread and see how everyone else was going.
I am going to be selling some. Roos if anyone wants one.i think I have a plethora ...lol they will be blue and not too expensive. I cannot ship live birds so you must pick up in Texas...due to health I can't travel far. I have one that is an original alicefelldown bird and the rest are catkai! There will be more later as a whole new crop is being raised now. Turning out gorgeous, full cheeks nice combs...I am also selling split eggs one blue fluffy roo over a blue am pullet (nice girl) a splash am. I can help out with eggs if you are getting started or filling in for 10.00 a doz plus shipping. Please pm me if interested...I believe in this project and want to help other get started. The 10 dollars will just help with feed on this farm! I just sold FIVE FLOCKS and still have over two hundred birds...we are DOWNSIZING our fluffies made the cut! Lol ;)
Chicken math!

Don't know about TX but even up here in MO heat index is like 105+ today!
Be hard boiled eggs!
Actually Chooks is being kind enough to meet up and do a hand off with a few of us trying to get a base established in her choc/mauve silkied project.

Starting to feel picture withdrawal here. Love to see where other's silkieds are at....hint, hint, hint...
Sorry for the delay, here's some pictures. I don't have any good ones from in the brooder it looks like, so I do have a few from in the brooder-cleaning-day holding cage. It's kind of dirty, looks like I need to clean this too today!

Top: One of the chicks CatKai sent up with Mr Rooster, all feathered out.

Below: Some of the bigger chicks from the latest hatches. Some are HUGE little guys and gals.

This is one of the bigger ones, the yellow below.

As compared to a black from the same hatch.

And here's the 15+ huddled up to stay away from the scary person cleaning the brooder. Pardon the mess in the holding cage, it's pretty yucky. Time to clean it out again.

Close ups of a black down, blue down, and white/yellow down chick.
The black one looks bossy - how dare I take his/her picture :)

Clearly upper management material with that look of disapproval from the blue.

And a little guy who just puts up with all the photo taking. Good sport.


Up till now I only have my split roo I hatched for Alicefelldown's eggs. I was supposed to buy the pair that produced him, but I had a problem here and was afraid to bring them to my house, for fear they'd be stolen or killed. The eggs gave me time to make a more secure area.

This summer I got a pair of splits from Beautiful-Chickens and since, as some know, my hatches have been on the horrible side, I gave a few to a broody. I ended up with 3 co broodies and lots of different eggs and they started hatching last week and didn't stop till yesterday! I had to keep stealing chicks to get them to stay with the eggs. I grabbed 2 chicks today and they aren't on the nest tonight. They wanted to roost.

Anyway................. Tonight I was checking for flight feathers and low and behold.....Silkied!!! Pretty sure this fat legged chick is a roo, but that's fine. I got one and I'm so excited I just can't tell you.


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