What's wrong with their feathers?

You have a sheman chicken?
I see you also have a mosaic in your avatar picture.

Yes, I hatched a half-sider....Male on one side and female on the other. The earlier the division occurs in incubation, the more drastic it is. This one had to have occured in the first couple of days since it is a perfect half-sider. Mosaics usually occur later on in development although they are all gyandromorphs. It seems you know a thing or two about genetics. I am very impressed.
GMTA. That is what I suggested awhile back but nobody responded. I think someone should create some sort of a database for them or even a club?

I made a Google Group to go along with the above posted spreadsheet but no one at the time joined.

http://groups.google.com/group/fluffy-ameraucana-birds please join and post and do group type things! Google Groups are reaaaallly easy to use, much cleaner interface and messaging options than the more widely used yahoo groups.
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GMTA. That is what I suggested awhile back but nobody responded. I think someone should create some sort of a database for them or even a club?

I made a Google Group to go along with the above posted spreadsheet but no one at the time joined.

http://groups.google.com/group/fluffy-ameraucana-birds please join and post and do group type things! Google Groups are reaaaallly easy to use, much cleaner interface and messaging options than the more widely used yahoo groups.

I must have missed your post. I will join now...Just need to get it figured out. I am used to Yahoo Groups and I take your word for it that Google groups are easier to use.
You have a sheman chicken?
I see you also have a mosaic in your avatar picture.

Yes, I hatched a half-sider....Male on one side and female on the other. The earlier the division occurs in incubation, the more drastic it is. This one had to have occured in the first couple of days since it is a perfect half-sider. Mosaics usually occur later on in development although they are all gyandromorphs. It seems you know a thing or two about genetics. I am very impressed.

I want, no, NEED to see a picture of that!
I had a he/she a while back. I guess I should have kept it but it was just another chicken I wasn't going to use so I sent it off to my cousin's farm in West Phoenix.
I didn't know split gender chickens existed, wow! I could just imagine seeing a little chicken with half a rooster tail and half hen tail, with the color from each.

I have seen quite a few mosaics in pigeons where the colors can end up random spots or half and half. Sometimes other things get split down the middle in them, where it looks like two different breeds plastered together. I love, love, love mosaics and wish I had some of my own! There is one pigeon I had once that I thought may have been a mosaic, but it could have just been color leaking through since it was a male. It was a rather large patch of feathers on the back of the neck to just be blue flecking on a red male though.
The mystery is still whether mosaics are caused by two sperm and one egg, or two eggs fusing together. In my opinion, either could happen, and I'm not really concerned which one it was. I just like looking at the pretty and rare birds!


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