What's wrong with their feathers?

How is everyone doing out there? I know winter is a challenge for this project, so I thought I'd check in before it gets too cold out there.

I have ZERO fluffy or split birds any more. The last young cockerel died this summer after a bout of wet weather. He was never "right." Has anyone succeeded in getting any improved fluffy birds to live? I'd be willing to give it one more try, but would prefer to start with some that have been outcrossed this time. I can't bear to loose anymore for no apparent reason!

I've moved since I started working on this project, and now live on 110 acres in NY state, so I finally have the room to have all of the roosters, and breeding pens I want!

I hope someone is having some luck, and look forward to hearing about it.

best wishes,
I'm still cooking along, waiting for some of these dang birds to start laying.
Right now I have 4 F2's that are around 7 months old (2 cockerels and 2 pullets), 3 F2's that are about 4.5 months (1 pullet, 1 cockerel, and 1 that is still evading me
), and 2 from alice's fluffy x F1 cross about 3 months old (1 silkied, 1 carrier - I think both are hens, although I keep hoping the silkied one is just a late bloomer
Same here. My two pairs of freeloaders haven't done a thing yet. I did catch one of the hens sitting in the box yesterday though, so hopefully she was practicing.
I still have a split hen who has begun laying again, and the fuzzy roo as sire. She just started laying again this week, so I'm holding on to the eggs until the 11th at noon for the New Year's Day Hatchalong.

I'm hoping they're fertile. The split hen is improved, so we'll see how it goes.

Tedious project, but it's all for love!
Hi Gang!

Some good and bad news to report.

As most of you know, we moved a few months ago and left our fluffy birds with our previous landlords. As some of you know we've been having some issues with the landlords and we haven't been able to find another location to house them. We can't afford to buy a house or find one to rent with the proper zoning.

Which means - we're going to have to get out of the project and re-home the remaining birds.

Nice Christmas bummer huh?

SO - please PM me if you are interested in taking any of these gorgeous fluffy birds. I'm really sad that we have to do this, but we haven't found any other options and I'd like to know that these beauties will be used to continue the project - even if it has to be without us.


1 Splash Fluffy rooster - from Jubaby's first round of eggs (Either a Son/Original Fluffy Mom or Brother/Sister cross), hatched 2/25/10


3 Blue Smooth F1 hens (Line A) - from Jubaby's first outcrosses, hatched by Kathyimo ~ 8/8/10
(Sorry, I don't have a good picture of them. Very soft blue coloring.) They are just coming out of a molt and are not currently laying. These hens lay a lighter blue/green egg.


6 Blue Smooth F1 hens (Line B) - from my Splash Fluffy male and Blue/Black Pure Ameraucanas from Pips&Peeps. Hatched 3/15/11
(Sorry, I don't have a good picture of them. A bit darker than the Line A birds.) They have *just* started laying (12/23 to be exact). Nice blue color eggs. (That's the good news part!)

4 Blue Smooth F1 roosters (Line B) - from my Splash Fluffy male and Blue/Black Pure Ameraucanas from Pips&Peeps. Hatched 3/15/11
(Sorry, I don't have a good picture of them.) These males are big, with good form. I have culled all the others that had yellow or red leakage.


2 Splash Fluffy cockerels - from my Splash Fluffy male and my Line A F1s hens. Hatched 6/26/11 & 7/5/11. They started crowing at the end of November and sound very much like their daddy. These boys have tails (an improvement over dad) and some minor red leakage.

2 Blue Fluffy cockerels - from my Splash Fluffy male and my Line A F1s hens. Hatched 6/26/11 & 7/5/11. They started crowing at the end of November and sound very much like their daddy. These boys have tails (an improvement over dad).

3 Blue Fluffy pullets - from my Splash Fluffy male and my Line A F1s hens. Hatched 6/26/11 & 7/5/11. Very dark, almost deep denim blue. Small and shy.


I know it's a terrible time of year to re-home birds. I'm not sure exactly how long we can continue to house them at our old ranch, but I'd like to see them go sooner rather than later (also so I don't change my mind and make a coop in the bathroom shower or something!
). I'll also need to order Horizon boxes so I'd like to offer them here before putting them up on auction.

I hate to mention this, but I'm just not in the position right now to give the birds away w/o having the shipping and box costs covered by their new owners. I wish I was, but I can't afford to box and ship 20 birds on my own.
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So sorry to hear this! I have the room for ALL of the, but I'm on the other side of the country, and it's getting painfully cold up here. I haven't had luck with these birds and shipping to the north. I hope you find them great homes with someone else committed to the project.

Chicken friendly renting is hard! That's why I've just moved to a 110 acre farm in the middle of nowhere. Best of luck!


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