What's wrong with their feathers?

How'd the rest of your hatch go???

Well poo!! It is our first one so...somehow in my excitement the "fur" seemed so long just thought FLUFFY lol I feel silly but like I said it is our first...another egg is rockin hope it makes it out...as far as vigor this little one has TONS it is cheeping its head off and staggering all over the bator looking for other peeps..I went and checked on him and he had actually climbed back into his own egg and fallen asleep, guess he got tired of looking for others and went to pout...like most babies fell asleep...funny babies...
Oh dear - I'm so sorry!! The poor boy!! He was such a good rooster too, a bit timid, but really loved his girls.

Yes, the top photo are Fluffy and the bottom looks normal smooth. You can tell on these birds pretty much as soon as they dry!

CONGRATS to everyone who hatched chicks!! Someone should start a count and see how many you're all up to!!

Alicefelldown thank you so much for this info!

I have been checking their wings hourly since they hatched, lol. I hatched a total of 6 chicks- 3 splash and 3 blue. I have 2 blue and 2 splash showing silkied feathers and 1 blue and 1 splash showing smooth. No way can this be right- I only had a 25% chance of silkied feathers. Is it possible the silkied chicken Gods are smiling on me?

On another note, none of my Lavender Ameraucana eggs hatched

So, first priority is to find me some Lavender Shaffer eggs!!!!

You got exactly what you needed!!!! Nice.

Chick-among-us- How did the rest of the hatch go???

I agree!!!
On your hatch of silkied babes!! I'm sorry to hear about your lavender ameraucana's...
...I tried to hatch some a couple months ago and not one developed, so I gave up!! I hope you find some good eggs soon!!! I'm sure you want them to be about the same age as your silkies! Post picks as your chickies get older...I'm excited to see everybodies chicks in that strange, teenage stage! LOL

Hi ya'll thanks for all the inquires about the hatch well the results are in and the only chick is the one that hatched alone...now living in the Valentines hatch...ALL the line A eggs were clear, big fat yokes never developed. ALL the line b eggs developed and even the two rocking pipped thier air cells and never hatched. the remaining B line eggs just died I guess everyone was a different color and frankly made me sick to see. I totally expected mortality, but not a complete graveyard, after reading of the success from alot of you guys, thought our chances were a bit better. After seeing 5 fully formed chicks die,it is disheartening,but 7 duds is almost unheard of out of 13 eggs and ALL of them line A's is weird too...I dunno. I know where to get some eggs though now so it will work out I am sure. Just is gonna take alot longer than we thought but we arent in a hurry...
Hi ya'll thanks for all the inquires about the hatch well the results are in and the only chick is the one that hatched alone...now living in the Valentines hatch...ALL the line A eggs were clear, big fat yokes never developed. ALL the line b eggs developed and even the two rocking pipped thier air cells and never hatched. the remaining B line eggs just died I guess everyone was a different color and frankly made me sick to see. I totally expected mortality, but not a complete graveyard, after reading of the success from alot of you guys, thought our chances were a bit better. After seeing 5 fully formed chicks die,it is disheartening,but 7 duds is almost unheard of out of 13 eggs and ALL of them line A's is weird too...I dunno. I know where to get some eggs though now so it will work out I am sure. Just is gonna take alot longer than we thought but we arent in a hurry...

I'm so sorry. Shipped eggs can be real tough to hatch. Try again with NicoleRM eggs, hers shipped real well for me. I'm also in NY so it was not too long of a trip. I hope that blue you hatched was a silkied, that will get you started! I will be able to swap eggs with you in 6 months so you can add another line if your interested.

Good Luck!

Chick-among-us is only a few hours from me. I have plans to get her more eggs and chicks from my hatches here in the next few weeks. Her eggs will travel but not by the post office so should be in good shape. My next set goes in the bator tomorrow. Current set of 6 eggs are hatching now
. I have 2 hatched this morning, 3 more trying and 1 that I added a day late that should be by tomorrow. I started with 7 eggs, 1 was not fertile and tossed early. The other 6 have all made chirps today so hopeful for a good ending. Had humidity trouble up til lock down and only started lock down Thursday and early hatching. The 2 hatched did it fast with no help.
Chick-among-us is only a few hours from me. I have plans to get her more eggs and chicks from my hatches here in the next few weeks. Her eggs will travel but not by the post office so should be in good shape. My next set goes in the bator tomorrow. Current set of 6 eggs are hatching now
. I have 2 hatched this morning, 3 more trying and 1 that I added a day late that should be by tomorrow. I started with 7 eggs, 1 was not fertile and tossed early. The other 6 have all made chirps today so hopeful for a good ending. Had humidity trouble up til lock down and only started lock down Thursday and early hatching. The 2 hatched did it fast with no help.

AWESOME!!!!!! Good luck with the rest of your hatch

Alicefelldown thank you so much for this info!

I have been checking their wings hourly since they hatched, lol. I hatched a total of 6 chicks- 3 splash and 3 blue. I have 2 blue and 2 splash showing silkied feathers and 1 blue and 1 splash showing smooth. No way can this be right- I only had a 25% chance of silkied feathers. Is it possible the silkied chicken Gods are smiling on me?

Hi - all the eggs I sent out were Fluffy x F1, so 50% fluffy and 50% smooth carriers. The 25% is when you use F1 x F1, which is not something I used due to the non-carrier smooth birds that can hatch. From the auction you got eggs from:
Hi - all the eggs I sent out were Fluffy x F1, so 50% fluffy and 50% smooth carriers. The 25% is when you use F1 x F1, which is not something I used due to the non-carrier smooth birds that can hatch. From the auction you got eggs from:

Sorry Alicefelldown, I should have said that my eggs were from NicoleRM which were F1 x F1. My chances were only 25% on the silkied but it looks like I beat the odds

Thanks for helping me figure out who is a silkie.

to you!!! We only had one line A egg make it to lockdown, one other was a late quitter, all the rest were clear....I'm sorry you had a disappointing hatch!! I have had so many shipped eggs pip internally and not hatch that I am obsessed about it!! I now have a sportsman bator and it seems that it has helped. I suspected my poor hatches were due to temp inconsistancies in my LG. I'm glad you have found some more eggs!! I think that in about 6 months we'll all be switching and swapping and hopefully we'll all have much better hatches!! Good luck with your next hatch and keep us updated on whether that chick is silkied or not!!!!
Hi ya'll thanks for all the inquires about the hatch well the results are in and the only chick is the one that hatched alone...now living in the Valentines hatch...ALL the line A eggs were clear, big fat yokes never developed. ALL the line b eggs developed and even the two rocking pipped thier air cells and never hatched. the remaining B line eggs just died I guess everyone was a different color and frankly made me sick to see. I totally expected mortality, but not a complete graveyard, after reading of the success from alot of you guys, thought our chances were a bit better. After seeing 5 fully formed chicks die,it is disheartening,but 7 duds is almost unheard of out of 13 eggs and ALL of them line A's is weird too...I dunno. I know where to get some eggs though now so it will work out I am sure. Just is gonna take alot longer than we thought but we arent in a hurry...
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