What's wrong with their feathers?

Well the hatch is over with my eggs from alicefelldown. I haven't picked it up yet, but one hatched. I swear it's my PO. I'm getting one or 2 blues from Sewngrow, not Silkied, to keep it company. Eggs she had from her PO hatched. Go figure. I think I'm going to see if I can have some eggs shipped to her house and see how they hatch. I just have this really bad feeling that the lady I don't like at the PO is the reason I have such bad hatches from shipped eggs.
It would be a really unusually venomous postal worker that would mishandle a package because they don't like the patron. That would take extra effort that they just won't expend. Usually all the mishandling and abuse has been done long before your local office ever gets it. Worked there for years in just about every capacity from letter carrier to supervisor to mail processor at the plant. I think normally the problem is that the machines they use to sort packages, by design, drop them a number of feet. Then you've got manual package sorting setups where guys stand in a forest of laundry hampers and throw them into the right containers like basketball stars. They aren't purposefully mishandling, thats both the way things are set up plus they're in a hurry. They'll actually get into trouble if they slow down and pay more attention.

It helps me when my own mailed hatches are 0% to 50% to know these things but that doesn't mean I like it. Some facilities are just a lot harder on things than others. Yeah, I'm one of the unlucky ones too. Not on these eggs, I didn't get any, but I mean in shipped eggs in general.
So we have a blue smooth carrier ...Got it! I think its a hen also by the feathers...so there I go what to do with that? GET MORE!!! BWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAAA
Mine are in the bator at Kims house!!woohooo!
can't WAITTT

It would be a really unusually venomous postal worker that would mishandle a package because they don't like the patron. That would take extra effort that they just won't expend. Usually all the mishandling and abuse has been done long before your local office ever gets it. Worked there for years in just about every capacity from letter carrier to supervisor to mail processor at the plant. I think normally the problem is that the machines they use to sort packages, by design, drop them a number of feet. Then you've got manual package sorting setups where guys stand in a forest of laundry hampers and throw them into the right containers like basketball stars. They aren't purposefully mishandling, thats both the way things are set up plus they're in a hurry. They'll actually get into trouble if they slow down and pay more attention.
It helps me when my own mailed hatches are 0% to 50% to know these things but that doesn't mean I like it. Some facilities are just a lot harder on things than others. Yeah, I'm one of the unlucky ones too. Not on these eggs, I didn't get any, but I mean in shipped eggs in general.

I get along with everyone there, but one person. I won't use her window and will let the person behind me go ahead just so she has less reason to handle my packages. I don't think she even notices, since she does know I like 3 of the others and figures I just want to visit. Also if the box says to call for pickup, they don't call. I've also talked to my new carrier who I've tried to explain these shipment to and how heat or cold will keep them from hatching, but if she delivers them they are by her feet next to the heater. She's even said "no packages and either come back and delivered or returned them to the PO. I don't think they have it out for me perse, I just think they're stupid, uncaring and unprofessional. Not all POs are good ones, just like any other type of business or service. You wouldn't believe what I've seen done by a few of the carriers.

Ahh 50%. I haven't seen one of those in ages! LOL Lots of 0% happening here. I'm absolutely happy with a single chick!. Poor Karen was stressed over this hatch. She got lots of others to hatch at the same time and was sorry there was only 1, but hey, there's 1! I'm thrilled! LOL Now what to do with only one bird carrying the gene? Oh yeah, buy more eggs! Sure wish I had gone ahead and just bough that trio. Oh well. This time, I'm going to see if she'll hatch for me again, but I want to try shiping them directly to her and see if that helps.
Woohoo...one is better than none!! :) I too have trouble with the PO and our carrier...but I don't have many other options...not many chicken breeders where I live, so I've got to make do!!!!! Hopefully you'll have more luck with your next hatch!!!

Well the hatch is over with my eggs from alicefelldown. I haven't picked it up yet, but one hatched. I swear it's my PO. I'm getting one or 2 blues from Sewngrow, not Silkied, to keep it company. Eggs she had from her PO hatched. Go figure. I think I'm going to see if I can have some eggs shipped to her house and see how they hatch. I just have this really bad feeling that the lady I don't like at the PO is the reason I have such bad hatches from shipped eggs.
Yup, 1 is good! I'm going to call in a second and see if she wants me to pick it up today of tomorrow. I emailed, but she keeps pretty busy at her place so thinking leaving her a message is better.

Thanks for the well wishes.

OK I need eggs. Anyone got any?
Woohoo...one is better than none!! :) I too have trouble with the PO and our carrier...but I don't have many other options...not many chicken breeders where I live, so I've got to make do!!!!! Hopefully you'll have more luck with your next hatch!!!
I just think they're stupid, uncaring and unprofessional. Not all POs are good ones, just like any other type of business or service. You wouldn't believe what I've seen done by a few of the carriers.

Ahh 50%. I haven't seen one of those in ages! LOL Lots of 0% happening here. I'm absolutely happy with a single chick!.

I think you hit it right on the head there. Uncaring and unprofessional. It's so sad how many are like that. I loved the post office I worked at most of my career because we were known for having professional window clerks. We drew people from all over town and handled an astonishing amount of business because of that. Proud? Yep.

Truthfully I haven't seen 50% either in a long time. Single and zero hatches have been more common. Like a lot of people here, I have no quality breeders close enough to drive to. Dangit.
I think you hit it right on the head there. Uncaring and unprofessional. It's so sad how many are like that. I loved the post office I worked at most of my career because we were known for having professional window clerks. We drew people from all over town and handled an astonishing amount of business because of that. Proud? Yep.
Truthfully I haven't seen 50% either in a long time. Single and zero hatches have been more common. Like a lot of people here, I have no quality breeders close enough to drive to. Dangit.

I have a broody bantam wyandotte who managed a 50% hatch from shipped eggs. She was a very devoted hen who endured 5 attempts to break her broodiness (including a nearly complete dunk and soak in cold water). After finding the nestbox pooled with water after a freak rain that managed to blow into the coop, and finding her gamely attempting to hatch the now-soaked wood shavings (she didn't care if she had eggs or not), I gave up and ordered some DL Barnvelder eggs from RockinPaints. All in all, she was on that nest for almost 2 months (the final month was after being given 8 fertile eggs) before I got a text at work from my brother, "I think you have one chick." I got home and my dad told me to remove the box from the crate and put her and the chicks into the shavings of the medium dog crate we'd gotten her. I also heard the 'chick chirp' and imagine my surprise when I lifted her off to see 2 dry chicks and 1 pipping. Quickly moving them and the rest of the brood and then setting her on top of it all.. we left her to it. Next morning, 4 chicks were starting to poke their heads out from under her. The last eggs never showed any cracks or anything, but we left them for 2 more days before discarding. She was very devoted about showing the chicks where the food and water was and fanning her tail and wings like a turkey when our border collie came to close. The funniest moment was seeing one of the chicks mimicking her in scaring off the dog (fanning his/her tiny little tail feathers and all). All in all, we got 4 chicks from 8 eggs that came through 2 days of Postal service travel.

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