What's wrong with their feathers?

Dealing with uncaring and unprofessional people is a real headache... ugh! :(

I am very thankful to have a really great post office. They always go above and beyond to help me with my packages... they even ask me about my chickens when I go in. Reading these posts helps me to realize that this is something I should not take that for granted - I will be sure to thank them and let them know how much I appreciate their service. :)

I think you hit it right on the head there. Uncaring and unprofessional. It's so sad how many are like that. I loved the post office I worked at most of my career because we were known for having professional window clerks. We drew people from all over town and handled an astonishing amount of business because of that. Proud? Yep.
Truthfully I haven't seen 50% either in a long time. Single and zero hatches have been more common. Like a lot of people here, I have no quality breeders close enough to drive to. Dangit.
Most of the people at the windows are great. I've taken eggs to show one of them the colors that I send out. She keeps saying when she's ready for chickens be ready to sell her chicks. Even customers had to see the eggs, So I spent like 20 minutes total explining they weren't dyed, what type of chicken they were from,.....and people are just amazed that eggs aren't just the brown and white you get in the store. Oh and that you an eat them because you have to incubate to get a chick. I'm not sure when the abuse starts, but my packages are usually in bad shape.

But I still need more eggs! I need more than one of these birds to get stared,

Sorry to hear about people losing birds. I hope all the others do well, but really ashame to lose any.

Dealing with uncaring and unprofessional people is a real headache... ugh! :(

I am very thankful to have a really great post office. They always go above and beyond to help me with my packages... they even ask me about my chickens when I go in. Reading these posts helps me to realize that this is something I should not take that for granted - I will be sure to thank them and let them know how much I appreciate their service. :)
I lost my blue silkied. I'm so sad!
I still have the splash but will be getting more eggs in a couple weeks to try again.

How terrible!!!
It's so difficult to lose any of these little ones...when I found that little splash silkied it brought tears to my eyes!
I think there are a couple of us now looking for eggs...so anyone who's looking to get rid of any, I think you have a couple buyers!
I'm really hoping that with some dedicated people, we can get these babies a little more viable and hopefully be trading eggs by fall!!!
Sounds like everyone's projects are cooking along! I haven't checked in for a while - a toddler, working 70 hours a week, and taking care of the animals tends to keep me slightly busy.
And I have 3 goat babies on a bottle too. Geesh.

Anyways, I took the F2 roosters out of the pen with the F2 girls 2 weeks ago. I am hatching all the eggs they've given me, which will be the first F3's. They had no roo for the past 2 weeks until yesterday when I stuck one of my line B blue silkied roos in there. The older 2 girls are laying (1 black, 1 blue). I can't know for sure if the F2 girls are carriers or not, but all chicks will at least be carriers and have a chance at being silkied. Anyways, the eggs I get for the next week to 2 weeks I won't be able to hatch b/c I'll be on vacation when they would be due. Soooo....anyone want to give them a go?

My first F3 eggs (F2 x F2) are due on the 26th, although I don't have high hopes b/c my Genesis crapped out on me and they're in the LG bator, which I HATE. Oh well, we shall see!
My 6 are 5 days old now. 1 fluffy for sure - the splash. One of the blues has some very tiny hair like feathers at the end of the tips and if a bit different than the others so we will see what they do.

OH! I took some clears out of my incubator today so I have a little unexpected room! Are they still available?

Sounds like everyone's projects are cooking along! I haven't checked in for a while - a toddler, working 70 hours a week, and taking care of the animals tends to keep me slightly busy.
And I have 3 goat babies on a bottle too. Geesh.

Anyways, I took the F2 roosters out of the pen with the F2 girls 2 weeks ago. I am hatching all the eggs they've given me, which will be the first F3's. They had no roo for the past 2 weeks until yesterday when I stuck one of my line B blue silkied roos in there. The older 2 girls are laying (1 black, 1 blue). I can't know for sure if the F2 girls are carriers or not, but all chicks will at least be carriers and have a chance at being silkied. Anyways, the eggs I get for the next week to 2 weeks I won't be able to hatch b/c I'll be on vacation when they would be due. Soooo....anyone want to give them a go?

My first F3 eggs (F2 x F2) are due on the 26th, although I don't have high hopes b/c my Genesis crapped out on me and they're in the LG bator, which I HATE. Oh well, we shall see!
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Catkai, it is amazing that you can already see the difference in the wings!

To those that have been posting about the post office: you are kind of scaring me about ordering and having eggs shipped! Thanks for sharing the good and the bad. Maybe I'll have to pre-arrange to have eggs meet me at a show.

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