What's wrong with these hens (photos)?


11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
BC Canada
What is wrong with these hens (mites? feather picking? other?)? The first one has dry scaly skin. What can I do to help them?

Im so new at this but if I had to guess I would say barbering...but I know chickens aren't capable of that so I would like to know too-just in case it happens to me
I don't know anything about mites and I don't know where to look for information. Any recommendations for info on mites?
When I inspect the hens and the coop I don't see anything, although again I'm not exactly sure where to look. I looked on them and under the roosts and don't see anything.
All the chickens are all the same age, born last May I think.
I don't know that much about molting, but it doesn't look like molting from the pictures I've seen.
I don't see any blood or bite marks. The skin on the one with the naked neck seems quite dry and scaly.
I have roosters, and some of my hens at first first looked a little bald, then I noticed feather loss on their lower back on some, which both seemed rooster related. Yet now this feather loss on the underside of the neck.
Appreciating any response and hoping someone can recognize what's going on...
No, These chickens looked great before. The one in the first photo is an Ameraucana (probably EE) and was particularly beautiful, and the second is a light brown Old Dutch.

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