Hi, I have a rooster who last night (10 pm, just got home), was sitting down in the coop. He wasn't roosting, just kind of sitting on one side. He was fine yesterday morning. I felt his legs and they are not broken. He can move them but it just seems like he doesn't have any energy. I tried to set him up like he was sting but he just kind of fell over. It is around 0 degrees here but I have heat in the coops. I put him directly under the lamp and then went to bed. I went out this morning and he was on his back thrashing his legs. This rooster is not tame like my other chickens. He doesn't like to be pet or picked up like the others, so when he let me pick him up without freaking out I knew we had a problem. I moved him to the barn, put him in a small, hay filled tub so he was upright. He is under a heat lamp by himself and is just sleeping. I don't know what this is or what else I should do. He won't eat or drink without me forcing him. Does anyone know what I should do? What's wrong? Thank you so much.