What's Your Favorite Breed of Chicken and WHY??

Nice looking birds!!!

All my hens except one have no feathers on their saddle area. I'm supposing that that's due to the rooster???
My favorites (from past experience) are BO... but that is just me.

As I started with my own chickens this year... I have been fascinated by our golden laced polish.... they are SOOOO sweet and curious. I like the silkies (gentle, calm), but they are more stand offish than the polish.

We have 1 NH and she is just the sweetest thing alive
Only have one, so I don't know if it is typical, but I love her dearly.

Oh my, I guess I love them all except my DDs rooster... he doesn't like me at all!! She named him Lucifer and he is really turning into the devil rooster.
I can't pick just one breed but here are a few of my top favs...

Brahmas- so sweet natured and have no interest in pecking order issues

Seramas- More like well mannered ground dwelling parrots

Cochins- Just sooooo fluffy and sweet
Buff orpingtons are my fav's! I have 2 SLW's, 2 New Hampshire reds, 3 barred rocks and 4 buff orpingtons. Buffs are SO gentle, kind and friendly! I'm in my 50's, and have become extremely sensitive to cruelty or anything mean...makes me cry! I'm soon going to have to integrate 4 younger chickens with my 7 older ones and am dreading it like the plaque...any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
I am a newbie... but this is what I have done this year for integration.
Have the little ones in a coop inside the big coop (does that make sense)... the big ones can see the little ones.
During the day... I let the big ones out to free-range and let the little ones into the big coop.

The two chicks aged between the little and the big are now doing fine with the bigger ones.... they are already in the coop when the big girls come in from the yard (I still put the babies up when the big girls come in, though).
I really think I want some Seramas. I had intended on getting some cochins too because I'd heard they were sweet.
That's always my problem.
Depends on what you want them for and what's important to you. There's a breed out there for every purpose.

My first choice is Jersey Giant. Mine have been great layers and very docile and when the time comes a lot of meat too.

For efficiency I like Jaerhons, small bird and lots of decent white eggs.

Welsummers are nice, make gorgeous roosters and lay a beautiful egg.
Good lines of Barnevelders can lay a very dark egg too.
Most people may disagree with me, but i love my heritage RIRs. They are really good looking out in the yard and they lay great. Their eggs are usually pretty large and i get a egg a day from every hen i have. They are really friendly too. They have a pretty curious personality. They follow me all around the yard. The RIR roos get a bad rap, but I have only had one get mean. I think thats because i bought him when he was a little older from someone else. All the roos that i have raised and kept are as friendly and gentle as can be.
All good points, they are friendly toward people and great layers. If I only had one breed I'd consider them but I think they're usually the bullies in a mixed flock.

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