What's your least favorite breed?

Thanks DuckLover2399
Many years ago I had some beautiful silver spangled hamburgs. They were so pretty, but gosh, they were wild. I couldn't keep them in their pen and when they would get loose I had a heck of a time rounding them up. They must have thought they were sparrows and would fly clear up to the top of the barn. There was no way I could reach them up there.
i do NOT like silkies and cornish x silkies are annoying or at least the ones i had constantly bock bock bocking and cornish x's are dumb good to eat but they dont do anything are gross creatures and stink BAD plus they get to big and their bones will break under thier wieght
I'm not sure exactly the breed, but otherwise called "Production Reds" at the feed store, that are de-beaked.... and usually really raunchy looking... those would be my least favorite.
the silkies i had we so loud they were like that all day and until 11 pm and started at like 4 30 am not to happy of nieghbors
i cant free range mine just because i live in the idaho montains where theres only 50 people where live, i cant free range because of the wolf problem fox problem cat and dog problem just predetor problem

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