What's your least favorite breed?

The only chickens I have direct experience with are the breeds I own. So far, I like them all. My least favorite of them is the Golden Sebright.

Why? Not very friendly, bossy with the other chickens, always in a panic about something, and overall both of mine are just jerks.

I really love my Barred Rocks though. I want more of them. They are so sweet!
I too have never encountered a mean game bantam rooster. I have one rooster right now that will run from me and try to wiggle free when being held, but he has never shown any aggression. Most of my boys are very sweet.

I don't like roosters of breeds with rose or pea combs. In fact, I don't like roosters with combs in general (probably why I like dubbed breeds most). I think silkie hens are adorable, but those massive maroon walnuts on top of the roosters heads are hidious. I would love to have some hampburg and sebright hens, but I cannot imagine raising them because for me the roosters combs are very off putting to me.
After reading through many pages of comments, I guess I want to say I have not found a chicken breed I dislike, only certain chicken personalities. My cross bred chicks have the sweet personalities of their moms (silkie and Japanese) and dad (a Cochin bantam who is sweet and loving and a good dad)

Having said that, I hug each of my 10 bantams every day.

My silkies require a lot more protein to get the fluffy body. But, oh, my boy is splendid.

Remember, the breeds with feathers and head coverings over the eyes cannot see well. That is often why they are skittish and grumpy.
Interesting post, especially since the reason that the "industrial" Barred Rocks, California Whites, and California Grays were so popular was not only their high production for the era - but the temperament that made them safer and easier to work around. The modern Black Star and Black Sex Link tend to be much calmer and friendlier than other Brown Egg hybrids. I find them very comfortable to work with.

Exhibition chickens tend to be a bit aggressive because it leads to alertness and confidence in the show arena. Unfortunately, exhibition chickens aren't bred for production qualities and so they aren't always useful on the home place except for pretty - which in itself can be a good reason to keep them.

Is this from experience or poor sources? It always gets me when people say standard bred chickens don't produce well. Many of which have never had any. Here:
The following information can be used by the producer
to identify birds that will excel in production traits and
would be good candidates to retain for breeding stock.
Keep in mind that any bird that is selected must also
meet the established historic standards for the breed.
These historic standards were written at a time when
chicken breeds were being used for commercial production
within several production systems. Input from
the top breeders of each breed was used to establish
the particulars of size, and other qualities, that would
produce the best specimen for the role each breed was
designed to fulfill.

- Don Schrider, master breeder of Brown Leghorns.
So, a bird that conforms to the standard should also produce to their purpose. Also remember different breeds have different personalities, too.
Oh my, I love Barred Rocks because they are pretty and are great layers, but I hate them because everyone I have had has been Skittish and a bully!

I will never get another BR...oh and I agree that Turkens are UGLY.

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