What's your worst incurred rooster injury (or worst you've heard of)?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 31, 2010
Trying to make myself feel better & make my roo's attacks pale in comparison.....Don't take this too seriously, trying to laugh vs. cry at my chicken tales of woe.
Well lets see... My cochin bantam roo got my nose once, he had come after me so I grabbed him to hold him tight, he got loose in my arms and clamped onto my nose. Bottom beak inside the nostril and top beak on top scraping several layers of skin off the top and inside my nostril. My eyes have never watered so bad. He is no longer with us now
My worst so far - a quarter sized bruise w/ center puncture bull's eye w/ scab. Really a sexy look for summer on my shins with shorts.
Yikes! and I thought cochin roos were supposed to be docile ones. I'm looking for a breed where the roos tend to be....well not so dangerous. I was leaning towards cochins, but now....
maybe I'll stick with hens.
Oh My GOD sorry to laugh but that sounds hysterical!! you just get this metal image!!
maybe I wont try to keep a roo
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that's an impressive injury for sure...and I thought hookbills could injure the best....not so!

My frizzles are cochins - don't give up hope. One of my roos is wonderful, has never even danced by me, let alone flog. I think they are all individuals expect silkies which always seem the most docile.

I wonder what the absolute meanest rooster breed is? (on average, ignoring my "they are all individuals" idea) Not the fighting kind (that's too obvious) but the kind we keep as farm birds.
I may still try to have a black cochin roo. they are just so cute and fuzzy ball looking. I have a black pomeranian and the black cochins remind me of him when he's all fluffed out. I think they would look cute together. The pom's nickname is tumbleweed.

That might be a thread to start, Meanest Rooster.
Don't scare yourselves too bad, roosters can be OK. I haven't had enough yet to have good statistics, but out of 8 so far, 3 have been total sweethearts and only one really earned his place in the stew pot. That one was getting sneaky and pinching my daughter hard from behind. Let's just say he didn't get any farther in his aggression career.

These were all large stock. Sweethearts were an Australorp, Black Copper Marans and a White Rock/RIR mutt. George the butt pincher was a Cuckoo Marans. Docile but not particularly affectionate to humans were 3 Easter Eggers and another Cuckoo Marans, though one of the EEs did learn how to play and relate to our dog.

My worst injury was from a BCM hen that nailed my eye (from behind my glasses!) while perched on my shoulder - bloody mess in the sclera (?) that took weeks to heal. I yelped and tossed her and she seems less "pushy" now.
Nothing compares... I was trying to get a feed bag string loose from a roosters feet. I undid the tangle and I put him back on the ground. Then the ungrateful little "ahem" flew up at me and spurred me in the back of the hand. It hurt but I did not think much of it. That night we were out to dinner with friends and I had red steaks shooting up my arm and my hand had swollen up so badly that my wedding ring couldn't be seen. My husband drove me to the hospital and that is where I stayed for 2 weeks, I had severe blood poisoning which antibiotics were not touching. He spurred me directly into a vein on my hand, add a little chicken poop and viola! The whole thing was a very painful experience. I do not recommend it to anyone.

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