Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

they dont exist but in my 7 years breeding iv not seen a pullet so small at 3 or 4 months old shes less than half the size as hatch mates. tiny little thing
maybe you can start a line of them, you have the hen already, maybe breed her back to the roo? would be an interesting project if you had the time.
they dont exist but in my 7 years breeding iv not seen a pullet so small at 3 or 4 months old shes less than half the size as hatch mates. tiny little thing
ya know randy, sitting here thinking about how small she is, last year i had lemon cuckoo orpington chicks, when i went to move them to the big chicken house,yard, had one little roo that i didn't know where to put him, he was so small altho the same age as all the rest , that i just turned him loose, he still isn't as big as the other ones but still he did grow some, thats a puzzler, why one doesn't grow like all the rest in the same clutch.
Does anyone know who has the Cottage Hill line wheaten marans other than Buddy Henry and his group? I have been looking for some, and prefr to get a pair or trio - chicks are possible but its probably too late for that. It must be someone that is able to provide pictures and can verify the egg color.

I have three CH males that are 4 weeks old, and two that are 14 weeks old that I'm willing to part with. I"m not npip certified yet so I can't ship. Are you planning a trip to Florida any time soon?
pm me if you get a chance.
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Here's my Wheaten Roo, Ernie
He does this when he approaches my son's coop full of Red Star hens. I think he wants in.


I really need to take a group shot of my wheaten chicks growing out.. I am fascinated with how differently they are feathering in... I've read that is pretty common for wheatens to feather in differently, but end up looking about the same, has this been all ya'll's observation as well?? I have one little pullet chick that is more of a reddish color right now, and one little cockerel chick that almost looks spangled. But they are only about 5 weeks old, so I expect that to change... interested in your experience??

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