Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread


I really need to take a group shot of my wheaten chicks growing out.. I am fascinated with how differently they are feathering in... I've read that is pretty common for wheatens to feather in differently, but end up looking about the same, has this been all ya'll's observation as well?? I have one little pullet chick that is more of a reddish color right now, and one little cockerel chick that almost looks spangled. But they are only about 5 weeks old, so I expect that to change... interested in your experience??

That is, so far, my experience as well. Mine are about 9 weeks old now so I can't say that they'll all end up nearly the same but they were all COMPLETELY different. The roo was easily discernible early on as he feathered in black, red and brown. The four pullets were all manner or tan and peachy-brown with one having striping and another nearly a white front. Just all over the place. I gave two of them away so I can't compare all of them any longer but the two pullets I have left are still fairly different in color. Their faces are the same but their fronts are different and one developed greenish-blue feet all of the sudden (not sure if it's genetic or what). Time will tell.
"Several years, maybe even 5-6 years ago now, I ordered wheaten eggs from Fitz Farms. The eggs were not 8s on the true Marans French scale. They were nice colored eggs, but were more like 4s and 5s on the color scale."


I had the exact same experience lately with Fitz Farms but just a couple of months ago. When inquiring about their egg color, she wrote back and said they ship nothing but 8's & 9's. But, just like the previous poster, I received 4's and a few 5's out of 45 eggs ordered. Guess they haven't changed over the years, sad that people do things like this.
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i think if i remember the old story. bev davis and another person created the first wheaten by breeding ftom a single odd sport from teesdale line. bev and outher person parted ways makeing / working seperatly. and budy hennery
took over the outhrr persons stock.. iv crossed cottage hill with davis line many years ago. but if diversity is your gole crossing lines is the way to go. but i wonder why you would want to. i breed deacent hens buy iv never gottem the wite tail fluff out completly in roos or the one wite feather im closed wing on roo

Does anyone know who has the Cottage Hill line wheaten marans other than Buddy Henry and his group? I have been looking for some, and prefr to get a pair or trio - chicks are possible but its probably too late for that. It must be someone that is able to provide pictures and can verify the egg color.

This is an interesting "old story". Can't imagine why it isn't correct as to the origin of the Cottage Hill Wheaten line. I don't recall Teasdale or Davis having had any connection in the development of this line.

Ron Presley/Cottage Hill Farm
My bad. that was the story i read 7 years ago . i shoulda known. inyetnet = true lol. but u took over wheaten marans from that guy raising / working sussex . right? about 7 years ago ? oops wait a sec buddy took over your wheaten line ?

This is an interesting "old story". Can't imagine why it isn't correct as to the origin of the Cottage Hill Wheaten line. I don't recall Teasdale or Davis having had any connection in the development of this line.

Ron Presley/Cottage Hill Farm
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I turned them over to Buddy about 2008. Wheaten and Black Copper Marans.

I'm well aware of the stories that have floated over the years. As a rule, I manage to resist the temptation to even bother with a comment. As a rule! Doesn't help to correct misinformation however, which I know just seems to get worse with time.
Hi everyone! I'm finally about to incubate some Wheaten eggs. I haven't had much to say since I've just been enjoying my chickens and helping my daughter enjoy them, too.

It sounds like there are quite a few mythic characters involved in the distribution of various lines of birds. Anyone have a definitive "how it all began" story for Wheatens in the US?

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