Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

AVAILABLE......I have 3 cockerels that I'm bringing to the northern CA stockton show. Fitz farm lines, one is 7 wks and two are 6 weeks

I'm introducing a slightly different line for my roos, but these guys are coming along nicely.
Well Randy, mine are not laying yet but maybe soon. My layer pen has started laying again & that includes some new girls from the summer hatches. There is a variety of colored egg layers in there since that was my original goal. No Marans in the layer pen though. The Wheatens are in one pen by themselves & the BCM are in a large pen all together with both my original trio & the summer hatches which were their offspring. I did find an egg just sitting out there on the straw today but am puzzled by the color. It is about the color of my Delaware's egg, just a light brown solid & dusty looking. Where it came from I do not know. The pen is open topped in some areas but has 6 foot fencing & none of the Marans have ever tried to get out.
Karen in California
waiting for them to restart laying eggs is the hardest , i though mine would never start again , but they did and now i have more wheaten marans eggs than i can handle the incubator is full, we even cooked some eggs up and fed as treats,,,, anyway that dusty egg you were talking about might be the same thing i call a smokey egg , and if u get it wet it looks like a nice dark egg but dries back to dusty or smokey egg.... i had a one year old hen do that but didnt the second year

Well Randy, mine are not laying yet but maybe soon. My layer pen has started laying again & that includes some new girls from the summer hatches. There is a variety of colored egg layers in there since that was my original goal. No Marans in the layer pen though. The Wheatens are in one pen by themselves & the BCM are in a large pen all together with both my original trio & the summer hatches which were their offspring. I did find an egg just sitting out there on the straw today but am puzzled by the color. It is about the color of my Delaware's egg, just a light brown solid & dusty looking. Where it came from I do not know. The pen is open topped in some areas but has 6 foot fencing & none of the Marans have ever tried to get out.
Karen in California
Well I think I am about ready to put my 2 youngests pullets into the Wheaten Marans pen. The original trio is in there & they are not laying yet & the younger girls are almost up to their size. That means I will have 4 pullets, mixed ages & 1 rooster in there. I have a nest box in there but nothing yet but someone must be going in there sometimes because the shavings get kicked out. I think I will do it afterdark when the trio is roosting. What do you think Randy??
i have hatched out around 80 total in my experiance and we get a soft egg or two when they start to lay , i find a few in the middle of the enclosed run also till the get the hang of it and go in the nest box , about 7 months start to look for eggs ,,, last week i had a hen walking around in front of the roo and she shot a egg out of her bum about 2 foot away , i guess the roo scared it out of her ,,, my first hatch of this year didnt come out good because i messed up trying to split hatch in a cheep incubator rather than my good bator but i have 16 eggs ready to hatch wednesday , not sure how many il get because i never candle ,,, walt warned me about not candeling might be a mess but i made it threw another 21 days with no explosions ,,,keep a eye on your girls for egg signs good luck introduceing more girls to your flock , my girls try to kill any new girls
in the flock they hate newbees

I apologize if this has been answered, but I am getting the impression that the Marans in the US from different lines can differ broadly, such that a Black Copper, a wheaten or cuckoo can be different not only in color of plumage and egg, but also body type and personality. I just got a small batch of mostly feather legged Marans chicks from Shelley 2008, 4 BC and 2 wheaten. As they grow their chicken-alities are becoming clearer. The wheatens are quite curious and friendly, the BCs more stately and standoffish. Then there's my mature (hatchery English type)Cuckoo, who is smaller bodied and VERY active, while also being curious and friendly.

Are these personality differences representative, or just what I happen to have in my small assortment?

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