Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread


Are the eggs yours or purchased?
oops my bad tthought it was questoined to me they are from my flock of wheatens , it will be along time befor i ever add to my flock , it stays closed , my coop only has a exit door only lol lol happy hatching


Are the eggs yours or purchased?
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Are the eggs yours or purchased?

My eggs are purchased from Cree Farms. I am just beginning with this breeding flock. I have 3 - 7 wk old pullets from Fitz farm that wil join these chicks to make up my flock. Cree farms is working with Bev's improved stock

Are the eggs yours or purchased?

My eggs are purchased from Cree Farms. I am just beginning with this breeding flock. I have 3 - 7 wk old pullets from Fitz farm that wil join these chicks to make up my flock. Cree farms is working with Bev's improved stock

wood&feathers :

I apologize if this has been answered, but I am getting the impression that the Marans in the US from different lines can differ broadly, such that a Black Copper, a wheaten or cuckoo can be different not only in color of plumage and egg, but also body type and personality. I just got a small batch of mostly feather legged Marans chicks from Shelley 2008, 4 BC and 2 wheaten. As they grow their chicken-alities are becoming clearer. The wheatens are quite curious and friendly, the BCs more stately and standoffish. Then there's my mature (hatchery English type)Cuckoo, who is smaller bodied and VERY active, while also being curious and friendly.

Are these personality differences representative, or just what I happen to have in my small assortment?

From my limited experience I see many differences but don't know exactly what to attribute it to. My BCM rooster (head boy) is very mellow but as you said "Stately". He is in an open large penned area with about 17 others BCM. Two of those are his cockerel offspring. No fighting amongst that group yet & they have all been together for months now. The Cuckoos I have are hatchery stock & were exiled to the layer pen as soon as I saw their egg color was NOT up to standards. They are a little skitterish. The Wheatens are in a smaller closed pen of their own & aren't as mellow as my BCM. I think it is a combination of things genetics for one, how much they are handled I think definetely plays a part. My grand daughters 4H project birds are very mellow (Australorps) but they get handled alot more. I don't know if this helps you or not.
Karen in California​
exciting! do you have pictures?

I just set 35 wheaten eggs yesterday

My Wheatons are not POL yet, but I am impatiently waiting. I will try to take some pictures later today depending on the weather.
I do have my new incubator waiting to be used & am picking up hatching eggs at next weeks Stockton show from a couple of different people. Not Wheatens though. I have been asked to hatch out Heritage Delawares for a guy in the foothills so I am collecting eggs for that now & I am awaiting Black Jersey Giant eggs that I ordered. The eggs I pick up at the show will probably be BCM & Blue Copper Marans. I left that up to the breeder.
Karen in Turlock
just went out to the coop and its cold out side15 degrees i have a light on a timer set to go off around 9 pm , got a hen trying to lay a egg and its pitch black out side . when the weather gets better in the spring i will seperate parrent hens and breed daughters back to daddy , some of the eggs im hatching soon i dont know who layed them so i have 2+ long years and not getting anywere fast . this year i raise to POL and sell the last generation due to space required to have 10 hens and a few roo and a brooder pen and a grow out pen that will take 6 or 8 birds from 5 weeks to adult they are great ...... wheaten are great egg layers and ive never had a mean roo and they free range well
the only trouble i have is with combs and freezing because like i said berr its cold !

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