Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

I had a hatch in January with Wheatens. One hen grew like gangbusters, fast feathered and bigger than all the cockerels at 7 weeks. The other hen was the tiniest, was slow feathering, and lagged way behind all the rest in growth. She didn't have parasites, she grew up and developed in the same brooder as all the rest. I had the same difference in the black copper cockerels. There was one cockerel that just lagged way behind the rest. These two stayed in a different brooder with younger chicks for 2 weeks longer than all the rest because they were late to feather in like their hatchmates. This hatch also had a BC hen that grew faster and stayed larger than all the cockerels. This was a first for me. They are around 12 weeks now, and the two large hens are still the same size as the cockerels.

The two little ones are still slightly smaller than their hatchmates, but not anything that would indicate they had disease or parasites. Just different growth rates.

I wouldn't worry if it isn't acting ill.
It's not acting ill. It is a little more docile than the others but also doesn't have all the wing feathers to flutter around. It is eating and drinking so I won't worry unless it starts acting different or something. The temp in the brooder got down to 70 last night and it was none the worse for wear.
Well it's poops are probably to small to examine but if it becomes thin,(worms will suck the life out of a small bird) then give it a dose of worming meds.
In my cabinet, getting 100% hatches, the styro's about 80%,..they swing too much in humditiy and temps. Re. the person with the small wheaten...Sounds like cocci. Are you using medicated chick starter!
test hatching 14 due to hatch friday ,never candeled and my good incubator died on me so i had to resort to cheep styro ,,, i hatched a few weeks back 5 extra roosters wich il raise and cull this fall also just hatched 3 more hens , retired my old rooster and useing my good looking guy in breeding pen ..... last year i worked on roosters , this year is the hens ,2 years 7 months and counting working wheaten marans

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Debbi, here is one of the 10 month old pullets weighs 6# 4oz. Should have a few chicks soon. Wheatens have a lot of the same problems as the BC Marans, Don

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