Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

Hey Charlie, where do you live? I have some two wheaten roosters someone can have if they are relatively close to me here in Ventura county CA- longshot, I know..
Got it! Anybody else that is interested and don't need shipping, let me know. I have put up 5 or 6 in the freezer, but the last three all look pretty good to my untrained eye. Would be a shame to process them if somebody out there can use one or two.
Depending on how far away you are, and how heavy the bird is, you are looking at about $65.00 - $70.00. That said, the Post Office may have raised their rates again for Express Mail, so you may want to contact your Post Master and ask.
Randy, I am glad to hear you are just six weeks away from having hatching eggs once again! I know it has been a long wait for you while your cockerels mature. Unfortunately, 6 weeks from now will be getting pretty cool out for having new chicks at my place so I guess I will have to wait 'til spring to get some from you. It seems like it will be worth the wait, though!
Okeeeedokeeee - I'm coming out of 'stealth mode' for a bit to ask a couple questions about my baby Marans.

I had, what I thought, was a couple of blue wheaten Marans - I thought I had 2 males and a female, but I think I've got one male and 2 females. I also think that I have a wheaten pullet, a splash pullet and a splash roo, but would LOVE your opinion. Here are a bunch of photos that I hope you can make head or tail of

Meet my blue wheaten pullet (NOT!!!) I think this is a splash roo???

Meet Matthew, my Wheaten Roo (NOT ANYMORE!!!!!) - I think this is a standard wheaten pullett??? (Renamed "Rain")

Meet Snow, my Blue Wheaten Pullet (Mmmmmh, almost right I think....) .... I think "Snow" is a Splash Pullett???

The 3 Marans cruising around with the little BLRW :)

This is one of the Splash Roo's butt (or, rather, who I think is a splash roo)

Another one of them all together - that comb and that stance screams Roo - LOL

Sooooo, what do you think?
How cute chickens and nice pics! :) #1 def looks like a roo to me, and # 2 a pullet yes :) as to the colors I cannot say,because I started with marans this summer, but hope you will be happy with them .
Thank you SO much Livi. I am trying to document everything and there seems to be so many variables :p.

Yes, thank you, I absolutely LOVE them. What amazing birds! I'm loving the fact that I can learn enough to help improve standards whilst enjoying myself - it's just there's SO much to learn at the beginning part of the learning curve!!

Thank you do much or your response, I appreciate it :)

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