Wheezing Rooster Lost His Crow


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 20, 2014
My rooster has had a series of unfortunate events. A few weeks ago he staggered out of the coop, had a yellowish diarrhea and no appetite. I gave him some nutridrench and flushed him out with molasses water. I thought he may have eaten something bad. He also lost his ability to crow. He had started getting better, eating and gaining some weight, but now he is having raspy breathing and has his mouth open. Today he made some weird noises and fell over. Any thoughts? Also I have not noticed any nasal discharge.
I'm working on building immune systems and breeding for resistance. I can see a respiratory disease hitting him when his immune system was already down. It has been a couple weeks and no one else is showing any symptoms of illness. I'm curious if anyone knows what vermillion is, I saw it on another post in relation to a rooster who had lost his crow, but I have been able to find any info on it. I also had stuck a qtip down his throat to check for gape worm, but there were no red strings on it. It has been hard to actually look down his throat to see if there is any sign.
I am breeding for resistance by only breeding birds that never show any sign of illness. it appears to be working as I have not had any sick birds for quite awhile

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