wheezing, sneezing 'coughing' Naked Neck


10 Years
May 13, 2010
1) What type of bird , age and weight. 7 mo Naked Neck layer not sure of weight
2) What is the behavior, exactly. sounds congested and wheezing when breathes, no nasal or eye discharge will "bark" occasionally otherwise she is acting normal - eating drinking,laying and being top of pecking order
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? noticed a couple days ago
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? no one else is wheezing, sneezing but I know that they sneeze due to their dust
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. none
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.she was out last weekend free ranging for the last of the grass- also had been caught outside in the cold for unknonwn time a few weeks ago, others had knocked the door closed
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. normal, grower (for the protein) feed, greens and AVC with nutri drench water
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. varies, today it is runny
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? due to Holiday (really noticed this on 12/30 at bedtime) I have used some ecualyptus oil on crown,under wings and on chest last night when I brought her in (she is not happy with me - snapping at me )
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? would like to treat without antibiotics if possible and will take to vet if she looses her spunk. Will Vetrx work or will I need antibiotics?
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use roost is heated with a heat bulb insulated and is about 50, bedding is straw,shavings,leaf combo rest of chicken house is enclosed and non drafty
I had that same thing last month. One was an isolated sussex in the hen house. It is heated. So she shouldn't have gotten sick, but I thought maybe a draft. No one else got it. I treated her with vet rx couple of times a day. Took her inside and isolated her with a heat bulb. Did wind up putting antiobotics in water after several days. She got over it in about a week. Also had my lavender orpington rooster come down with the same thing, but actually had a little discharge in his nose. Treated him, and wound up also using antiobotics which it went away after almost 2 weeks. No other chickens came down with it, and with the orpington, I never took him out of the cage, because I figured they would all catch it anyway if it was a virus.
If they haven't been wet and in a cold draft, I always suspect poor air quality in the coop first.
That is IMO the biggest danger in winter when people close up to keep birds warm.
If they haven't been wet and in a cold draft, I always suspect poor air quality in the coop first.
That is IMO the biggest danger in winter when people close up to keep birds warm.
she was out in the snowy weather a week ago free ranging and was caught outside when the weather first changed to cold - how to I let in "good" air without causing drafts and chills?
I use ridge vents, gable vents and windows on one side like east or south. I opt for ventilation over draft protection but if you only have one side with openings i.e. windows, there's no way for cross drafts to cause problems. How cold does it get there?
It gets to single digits here and humid. I don't heat and keep at least one east window open and no problems. That keeps humidity down preventing frostbite. Make sure your roosts are wide enough (min. 2") so when they hunker down at night their feathers cover their feet.
the ground is frozen - it has been in the high 20s will get the negative as winter goes on.
I think I solved part of the issue - by leaving the door to the garage partially ajar (not shut tight like usual) allows a draft and circulation- as there is a small portion of the walls (no idea what direction) is waiting for repair (luckily up by the roof).

***update **** no one else is wheezing yet. She has been isolated late last night/early am, she is going at her food like mad, and drinking normal. Some runny poo or less than well formed. She is feeling her oats as she tried to peck at me to not touch her (not her favourite person right now).
Looooved the egg supplement food. Is starting to get her "voice" back or maybe more able to breathe. No runny nose or eyes, no pus or gummy mouth and no foul smell. Also no swelling in face, comb or wattles.

Could not find Vetrx at three stores (fourth was closed) have been using Eucalyptus Oil - which smells like camphor, as a rub.

How do I know if she is running a fever? How do I check? No egg today! I have found no wrinkly eggs so not sure it is IB or Corzya (as one of those results in the carreir laying wrinkly eggs). I will call Vet tomorrow and see if I can get in for a check.
I do not want to treat with antibiotics as my girls are all natural/90% organic (husband bought regular feed not organic) and I hate the idea of giving antibiotics as the 1st solution.

When she recovers will her eggs be edible? How will I know which one is hers? If she gets Vetrx- will pass through to the egg? While sick rooming her - should I have her in complete utter darkness and only allow light when I feed and treat (rub in the oil)? Will she still drink?eat?
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still no runny nose, or other forms of discharge. I did try swabbing her throat- I least I think I swabbed far enough down- twice and found no red ys.. do I need a magnifying galss?
Her poo is the consistency of oatmeal.
She was not really drinking as much today - still very good appetite - made a slurry of eggs and honey with a couple of drops of an herbal cold rememdy (the stuff works great for me) lots of essences and flower stuff in it.
Still cannot find Vetrx - but am feeling awful about her breathing - will be going to vet tomorrow.

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