When a chick has been trying to get out of the egg for over 24 hours.


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2020
Am I supposed to help the ringneck pheasant get out of it's egg after it has been trying to hatch for over 24 hours? Also, what do I do when it's stuck to the film inside the egg? All answers appreciated!
Am I supposed to help the ringneck pheasant get out of it's egg after it has been trying to hatch for over 24 hours? Also, what do I do when it's stuck to the film inside the egg? All answers appreciated!

I had a dropper and added a drop of water to the film/lining, but a mister or dabbing water on your finger would work as well...After 24 hours, if you plan to help, now would be the time.
We have just hatched our first chick.and I have a few questions. One it has gotten itself on to its back, is that ok or should we flip it over. Two it shivers ever so often, is that normal. Last it hatched with a little of the yoke left, is that normal
We have just hatched our first chick.and I have a few questions. One it has gotten itself on to its back, is that ok or should we flip it over. Two it shivers ever so often, is that normal. Last it hatched with a little of the yoke left, is that normal

I think your question may be answered quicker on its own thread because it is a bit different from this poster's question đź’– I am not entirely positive myself how to answer your question

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