When a hen lays an egg, doesn't she cackle after she has layed it???

I agree! I do not know about anyone else but when one of my hens start cackling then any other hens that are near her cackle also! So it can get REALLY noisy in there!

Wow and I thought it was just mine - My EE is the only of all my hens who doesn't cackle no matter what. She's actually very quiet, and the only sounds she makes are a slight mumbling before laying her egg. Just the slightest mumbling.
I have 34 chickens and when a hen lays an egg, the whole county knows it! The hen may not say much but the others have a loud party several times a day! The roos brag like they've done all the work!
Some of my Buff Orpington hens will cackle for the rest of the day and it really worried my before I knew what they were doing it for because I though there was soemthing trying to eat them or something! AHHH!
Thanks for all the replys!!! I have a question, will Julia start to cackle after a week or two or will she be my lil' quite layer??? Thanks again!
Today I noticed that when my EE was laying an egg she was cackling and our one and only rooster was cackling along with her. Why does the rooster join in her song?

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