When can 2 young pullets live with a rooster?

Love my Critters!

11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Carlsbad, NM
My parents have 1 wild game roo that we rescued. He free ranges in their back yard (about 1/4 acre). My neighbor's wild game hens have all had babies. One batch of babies are at least 2 months old and are no longer with their mother. How big do I need to let the pullets get before I take 2 of them over to my parents house to live with their rooster? The rooster has been with 3 other chickens in the yard, but they are going to a new home, so I want to get him a few ladies. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Rooster probably will not harm the pullets, and if they have room to run, then if they are not ready to mate, things should work themselves out fine. Long term though, 1 roo to 2 hens can be hard on the hens, you will have to watch and see.
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I find that most roosters are good with pullets.

They dance around them and generally welcome them.

It's the HENS who seem to pick on new, young birds.

Perhaps they are the ones who establish the pecking order.

Has anyone else noticed this????
Thanks, I know only having 2 hens can be risky... we are prepared to keep a close eye on them. He is a very docile rooster with everyone else, we will just have to see how he does with the ladies. We rescued him because the other roosters (that belong to my neighbor, but he doesn't feed or water them and lets them run loose everywhere) had beat him to a pulp and we thought he was dead. My husband put him in the shade next to our house thinking we would dispose of him later. To our surprise, he "came back to life". He spent the night in my husbands shop and the next morning the other roosters (his brothers) were waiting outside the shop to get him again so we rehomed him. He was definately at the bottom of the pecking order.

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