When can babies mix with adults?

I put my babies in coop in A dog kennel for 1 week and then let them mingle with big babies. My rooster takes control of babies and he shows them everything they need and my black Jersey giant hen protects them. I have never had a problem doing it that way.
When I integrated my last chicks, I turned the wire crate on its side and removed the bottom tray. The bottom was now the back, facing the run or coop wall with just enough space for the chicks to run in. The bottom of the crate has large enough spaces for the chicks to get throu but not the older hens. I kept the chicks food and water in there so they couldn't be bullied away from the food by the others. After a few weeks I moved the crate out
I've put chicks in with eh adults with a fencing to separate them, but the adults kept getting in there to eat their food. So I just removed the fencing and allowed the chickes, about 3 months old, to mingle with the adults. The chicks congregated in certain areas and mostly kept their distance from certain adults. Eventually they grew into a working social flock.

I've also added hens at about 4 months old at night. They did not have any issues with the adults but they did keep to their own area. Then over time they grew into a social flock.

I think it depends on the adults, and how you introduce them. I've had a Cinnamon hen what was not friendly to the chicks, but my buff orpining lead hen was accepting of the chicks. But that was newly hatched chicks as a test introduction.

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